FILE PHOTO: A vial labeled “Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine” is seen in this illustration taken January 16, 2022. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/Illustration/File Photo
One of America’s most well-known pharmacy chains, Walgreens. has inadvertently admitted that the COVID-19 “vaccines” are a scam in terms of protecting against COVID disease. The company released published data that proves the “vaccines” do not prevent a COVID-19 “infection.”
From Walgreens’ own data:
Note that those who have so far refused to be injected with the experimental gene therapy drug have the lowest rate of infection. How does that work if the shots are “effective?”
“Positivity Rate by Vaccination Status” data covering the time period from April 23, 2022, to April 29, 2022, shows that the demographic with the least amount of “positive” test results for the Fauci Flu is the unvaccinated. The worst-off group, as you might expect, consists of people who received two main doses of the shot followed by a “booster” shot.
Additonally, the Walgreens “COVID-19 Variant Tracker” claims that ever since January of this year, the predominant “strain” of Fauci Flu in circulation is omicron (moronic). Before that, it was delta that was supposedly in circulation. How they know this is anyone’s guess, seeing as how SARS-CoV-2 has never actually been isolated and proven to exist, let alone its many alleged “variants” and “subvariants.”
The CDC ADMITS: PCR Tests CANNOT Differentiate Between Coronaviruses!
The CDC admits that PCR tests can’t differentiate between Coronaviruses….
let that sink in…
that means that for the past year and a half colds and the flu have been diagnosed as Covid.
Let ? that ? sink ? in ?
— Dan Dicks (@DanDicksPFT) July 27, 2021
They Admit It: The Flu Has Disappeared Now That COVID Is Here
Many in the ruling class have already admitted that these shots don’t stop “transmission” and will only “lessen the symptoms” if you happen to get sick, something that is not provable. There is no way to prove what we are fed from the “authorities.” Not to mention, the evidence they keep releasing suggests those who get these shots are getting AIDS as their immune systems degrade.
Many websites have been warning that this injection is not a vaccine, to begin with.
COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
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This one if for Darwin! UP Yours we told you so ?!
It’s MISTER Darwin to you, shit-for-brains.
Have a Covidful day!
Cognitive dissonance and normalcy bias are a bitch DarTard!
Right you are Reprint, the toxic spike proteins change your cells In your liver. Alter your DNA with reverse Transcription.
I will take natural immunity for the big win!