War Progression? A Second U.S. Aircraft Carrier Arrived In The Middle East

by | Aug 22, 2024 | Headline News, War | 0 comments

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    A second United States aircraft carrier has arrived in the Middle East as tension between Israel and several other nations rises. Is this the next sign of further progression toward a third world war?

    The USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier strike group has arrived in the Middle East, joining the USS Theodore Roosevelt, which is currently deployed in the region. The USS Abraham Lincoln is carrying F-35 and F-18 fighters and is being escorted by a squadron of destroyers, US Central Command announced on X (formerly Twitter) on Thursday. The Pentagon dispatched the USS Theodore Roosevelt carrier group to the region earlier this month following the assassination of Hamas political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran and high-ranking Hezbollah operative Fuad Shukr in Beirut.

    The presence of the American warships reflects fears of a larger escalation between Israel and Iran, according to a report by RT. 

    But Israel is already fighting Palestine, with no intention of entering into a ceasefire agreement, while it exchanges strikes with Lebanon. Additionally, the Israel Defense Forces have threatened more attacks against Hezbollah in Lebanon, sparking fears of a full-blown invasion.

    Y Net News has called this the “quiet world war” and could all go back to the proxy war between Russia and the U.S.

    Israel’s war is a part of a broader global confrontation involving major powers whose involvement in the region is increasing; On one side is the United States, aiming to strengthen alliances with moderate Arab states, and on the other side is Russia, tightening its ties with Iran and, along with China and North Korea, seeking to weaken its Western rival. –Y Net News

    The U.S. has been targeting proxy groups and issuing warnings to hostile militant groups in the region, from Hezbollah to the Houthis. Their highly publicized military movements in recent weeks are designed to keep the situation from spiraling out of control, but it’s doing everything else except that.

    Stop The Denial: Ukraine Is A Proxy War That Will Lead To Wider World War

    Could this be a sign that another world war is right around the corner? It has sure seemed like the ruling classes have been trying to get it going, but for whatever reason have held off. The U.S.’s increased involvement, any retaliation from Russia on Ukraine’s Western allies, or a major attack on Israel will all have the potential to turn this into a major global war.


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