“We Need To Start Killing People… We Need To Start Killing The White House” – Seattle Social Justice Warrior Caught On Tape Threatening Violence and Demanding Reparations

by | Jan 31, 2017 | Headline News | 260 comments

Do you LOVE America?


    We recently warned that America is about to see unprecedented protests and rioting from coast to coast.

    But don’t take our word for it.

    A social justice warrior involved in the Seattle street protests tells you everything you need to know about what the future holds and lends further evidence to the notion that America sits on the precipice of widespread civil unrest.

    The woman, who also claims to be a pre-school teacher, implies that it’s time for extreme measures, including but not limited to killing people, starting at the White House.

    Just so you know… we need to start killing people… first off we need to start killing the White House… the White House might die… your fucking White House… your fucking White House must go…

    As you’ll see below, when she claims it’s time to start killing people she is most likely referring to white people exclusively. But killing isn’t enough.

    If you’re white, it’s time you started kicking some of your hard-earned wealth her way, including your cash and your house:

    White people… give your fucking money… give your fucking house… your fucking property… we need it fucking all… you need to reparate black and indigenous people right now…. Pay the fuck off… it ain’t just your fucking time.. it’s your fucking money…

    Watch the her full speech (and then be sure to register your kids with her pre-school):

    Related: Prepare For Anything – A Step By Step Guide


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      1. Bring it. There’s a damn good reason we’ve been buying ammo by the case.

        • LMFAO !!! Its Angela Davis, REINCARNATED !!! 🙂

          I predict that stupid protestors like this BLM Bitch will be in jail by next year serving MAXIMUM sentences for their crimes !!!

          • DK, someone ought to just waster her and save us some tax dollars.

            • Well bring it on you stupid entitled savages. Black idiot lives matter war on white armed to the fucking teeth America. Bahahaha!

              • Their white targets will be elderly and children, unarmed, and no threat to anyone.

                • In response our targets will be all of them.

                  • Menzo, the apes are ONLY 13% of the entire US population. My targets will DEFINITELY be any apes I find harming ANYONE.

                    • Don’t forget to include brainwashed college puss and self hating white millennial a s s wipes that support the joke that has become BLM. I’m definitely including those wastes of skin!

                  • Lock them all up for Further Analysis. Psychologically Brain Damaged.

                    What they need is a “Big Can of Boot Whoop-ass layed into them. Its the snowflake computer gamers, no job, freeloaders, bitchin.

                    Reparations? LOL. You got that back already with your Lifetime EBT Food Stamp Benefits. No Mo Free Lunch B!tch!!

                    • don’t forget the 40 acres and a mule.

                    • They want a Mansion with “40 Rooms and Pool.” And for FREE!! Ain’t Happening on my watch.

                      Give them a 40 Sq Ft Prison Cell to jerk their tool.

                    • Where is the FBI on this? Why haven’t they infiltrated and destroyed these paid gang rants before they even take off, or be there to immediately arrest for Hate Speech, or threats against human safety and bodily harm? That’s domestic terrorism by speaking of threats. Trace the Adds back to the add placer, and arrest them all. Arrest G Soros and put him in lockup solitary. Cut the Head off the Zionist Snake POS.

                      DO YOUR JOB FBI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  • If they tried anything like this, it would create a hundred thousand Jack Hinsons and it would not end well for the bad guys.


                    • good read, thanks for sharing the link.

                    • Jack Hinson’s One Man War was a really good book about him.

                      I especially enjoyed and learned from the descriptions of home life before, during and after the Civil War.

                      Life was amazingly lived back then.

                • Smokey, Agreed.

                  • JS, thanks for that video. Kudos to that gun shop owner for what he did. The only sad part is that he didn’t get BOTH of those apes. The stupid libturd TV reporter said it was ‘unlikely’ the shop owner would face any charges, but that it ‘might be a different story’ whenever the other suspect is found. No, you stupid bitch, it WON’T be a different story. The gun shop owner was in the right. The 2 NIGGERS who tried to rob him are in the wrong. I sympathize with the gun shop owner. I understand he didn’t want it to happen. BUT HE WAS FORCED INTO TAKING THAT ACTION AND HAS THE RIGHT TO TAKE THAT ACTION. That libturd Tv reporter can go f#$% herself.

                    • He could have chased the second one down the street and shot him a block away, and he wouldn’t face a charge. He was an armed robber and as long as he is armed, he is legally a threat to the store owner, and any member of the public he encounters, even if he’s running away as fast as he can.

                    • @Smokey

                      Check the laws where you live, but in most jurisdictions the chasing ’em down and shooting would be counted by a lot of DAs as over the line.

                      If you did that, there would have to be evidence of what you said was true, actual overt threats to other members of the public. You know, things like brandishing, or pointing, or firing the weapon at others while fleeing.

                      That said, if you and I were on Mr. ‘Hunt’em down & Shoot’em”s jury, we would both hold out for a “Not Guilty” verdict.


                • they already are.

              • These people are COMMUNISTS!!! They are calling for REVOLUTION! They are very dangerous!!!!!!!!!!!

                • A Progressive is just a re-branded Communist.

                  • The Communist “party” PROUDLY supported both OBONGO & HITLERY. They used to enter their own candidates by due to lack of support, they joined the Demon-RAT party because the little difference between the two !!!!

                  • We need to redefine the term “Progressive” as it has been applied to the Left, and call it what it is, REgressive.

                    The domestic terrorists, thugs and misfits on the Regressive left were not prepared for the wtch btch to lose, and will never accept the fact that “We The People” are taking back control of our country.

                    In the past, leftists have regularly proven that they cannot see things through until the end, but this time it is going to end differently, as they will be forced into a conclusive defeat by a Law and Order President and American Patriots.

                    The pre-planned chaos by the Regressives will lead to their own demise, as their power erodes and they become irrelevant.

                • If funding for all these fringe groups (read – funded by Soros) dried up, so would they. Hard to raise millions of dollars per year whilst you are on EBT.

                  • As long as Soros has $31 billion we are going to be looking at this crap.

              • ??

            • She should join Madonna on the Secret Service most wanted list.

              • Locked and Loaded! Come get your reparations biotch!

            • Have at it. Not someone. do it or shut up.

            • why? shes obviously a bit of bait being dangled out to see who bites. Whoever does, no matter the legality or morality, will be whitewashed into what the media wants: violent, white, xenophobe who must be destroyed etc etc.

              don’t take the bait

            • the time is coming for this to stop and make this land great again

            • Braveheart, you have been talking dirt naps for years! She talks just like you!

          • I remember her.. GLAD SHE’S DEAD!!!!

            • @william

              If you mean Angela Davis, she is alive and well. She just celebrated her Birthday recently – she’s about mid 70s I think…<bb

          • The !AFRO! isn’t big enough!! L O L

          • well folks there you have LIBTARDS at there finest!! and just think we only have a few million more just like her!! the beltway doesn’t have enough lite posts!! but would be a start!!

          • These people are whacked out idiots, the blacks in west Africa set up the slave trade ran it as a business selling blacks to white slave traders, getting rid of excess population and/or prisoners and other riff raff because they didn’t have enough food to feed them. These protesters and the ring leaders are welfare scum, communist infiltrators in these groups and they all need to get a life and quit blaming this generation for what past generations did and do some research on African slave traders.
            Then they can go to Africa and protest, march and demand reparations from those gov. in areas that pushed slaves ont he ships .

            • Communist Infiltrators is right. You hit it on the head !

            • You nailed it Laura. I’m sick of blacks blaming whites for everything. If they want to blame anyone they should blame their own kind for selling them into slavery. Enough already. More than 300,000 of my ancestors were killed by Hitler, and no, I’m not Jewish. But I don’t carry around pictures of them hanging from posts or being raped and brutally killed like blacks do. Blacks need to STFU about it.

              • linda, welcome, and AMEN to your comments.

              • Actually, lynching of niggers was quite rare. Same as burning witches in Salem.

                Obsolete farm implements. Terrible investment.

            • Muslims, in contrast the the evil Louis Farrakhan, were also instrumental in carrying out black slaves. The whites *never went beyond the ports*, so who do you think brought them to the coast??? Other blacks and Muslims, that’s who


              COLUMBUS, Ohio – A new study suggests that a million or more European Christians were enslaved by Muslims in North Africa between 1530 and 1780 – a far greater number than had ever been estimated before.

              Robert Davis
              In a new book, Robert Davis, professor of history at Ohio State University, developed a unique methodology to calculate the number of white Christians who were enslaved along Africa’s Barbary Coast, arriving at much higher slave population estimates than any previous studies had found.

              Most other accounts of slavery along the Barbary coast didn’t try to estimate the number of slaves, or only looked at the number of slaves in particular cities, Davis said. Most previously estimated slave counts have thus tended to be in the thousands, or at most in the tens of thousands. Davis, by contrast, has calculated that between 1 million and 1.25 million European Christians were captured and forced to work in North Africa from the 16th to 18th centuries.

              Davis’s new estimates appear in the book Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast, and Italy, 1500-1800 (Palgrave Macmillan).
              “Enslavement was a very real possibility for anyone who traveled in the Mediterranean, or who lived along the shores in places like Italy, France, Spain and Portugal, and even as far north as England and Iceland.”
              “Much of what has been written gives the impression that there were not many slaves and minimizes the impact that slavery had on Europe,” Davis said. “Most accounts only look at slavery in one place, or only for a short period of time. But when you take a broader, longer view, the massive scope of this slavery and its powerful impact become clear.”

              Davis said it is useful to compare this Mediterranean slavery to the Atlantic slave trade that brought black Africans to the Americas. Over the course of four centuries, the Atlantic slave trade was much larger – about 10 to 12 million black Africans were brought to the Americas. But from 1500 to 1650, when trans-Atlantic slaving was still in its infancy, more white Christian slaves were probably taken to Barbary than black African slaves to the Americas, according to Davis.

              “One of the things that both the public and many scholars have tended to take as given is that slavery was always racial in nature – that only blacks have been slaves. But that is not true,” Davis said. “We cannot think of slavery as something that only white people did to black people.”

              During the time period Davis studied, it was religion and ethnicity, as much as race, that determined who became slaves.
              “Enslavement was a very real possibility for anyone who traveled in the Mediterranean, or who lived along the shores in places like Italy, France, Spain and Portugal, and even as far north as England and Iceland,” he said.

              Pirates (called corsairs) from cities along the Barbary Coast in north Africa – cities such as Tunis and Algiers – would raid ships in the Mediterranean and Atlantic, as well as seaside villages to capture men, women and children. The impact of these attacks were devastating – France, England, and Spain each lost thousands of ships, and long stretches of the Spanish and Italian coasts were almost completely abandoned by their inhabitants. At its peak, the destruction and depopulation of some areas probably exceeded what European slavers would later inflict on the African interior.

              Although hundreds of thousands of Christian slaves were taken from Mediterranean countries, Davis noted, the effects of Muslim slave raids was felt much further away: it appears, for example, that through most of the 17th century the English lost at least 400 sailors a year to the slavers.

              Even Americans were not immune. For example, one American slave reported that 130 other American seamen had been enslaved by the Algerians in the Mediterranean and Atlantic just between 1785 and 1793.

              Davis said the vast scope of slavery in North Africa has been ignored and minimized, in large part because it is on no one’s agenda to discuss what happened.

              The enslavement of Europeans doesn’t fit the general theme of European world conquest and colonialism that is central to scholarship on the early modern era, he said. Many of the countries that were victims of slavery, such as France and Spain, would later conquer and colonize the areas of North Africa where their citizens were once held as slaves. Maybe because of this history, Western scholars have thought of the Europeans primarily as “evil colonialists” and not as the victims they sometimes were, Davis said.

              Davis said another reason that Mediterranean slavery has been ignored or minimized has been that there have not been good estimates of the total number of people enslaved. People of the time – both Europeans and the Barbary Coast slave owners – did not keep detailed, trustworthy records of the number of slaves. In contrast, there are extensive records that document the number of Africans brought to the Americas as slaves.

              So Davis developed a new methodology to come up with reasonable estimates of the number of slaves along the Barbary Coast. Davis found the best records available indicating how many slaves were at a particular location at a single time. He then estimated how many new slaves it would take to replace slaves as they died, escaped or were ransomed.
              “The only way I could come up with hard numbers is to turn the whole problem upside down – figure out how many slaves they would have to capture to maintain a certain level,” he said. “It is not the best way to make population estimates, but it is the only way with the limited records available.”
              Putting together such sources of attrition as deaths, escapes, ransomings, and conversions, Davis calculated that about one-fourth of slaves had to be replaced each year to keep the slave population stable, as it apparently was between 1580 and 1680. That meant about 8,500 new slaves had to be captured each year. Overall, this suggests nearly a million slaves would have been taken captive during this period. Using the same methodology, Davis has estimated as many as 475,000 additional slaves were taken in the previous and following centuries.
              The result is that between 1530 and 1780 there were almost certainly 1 million and quite possibly as many as 1.25 million white, European Christians enslaved by the Muslims of the Barbary Coast.
              Davis said his research into the treatment of these slaves suggests that, for most of them, their lives were every bit as difficult as that of slaves in America.
              “As far as daily living conditions, the Mediterranean slaves certainly didn’t have it better,” he said.
              While African slaves did grueling labor on sugar and cotton plantations in the Americas, European Christian slaves were often worked just as hard and as lethally – in quarries, in heavy construction, and above all rowing the corsair galleys themselves.

              Davis said his findings suggest that this invisible slavery of European Christians deserves more attention from scholars.
              “We have lost the sense of how large enslavement could loom for those who lived around the Mediterranean and the threat they were under,” he said. “Slaves were still slaves, whether they are black or white, and whether they suffered in America or North Africa.”

              • Thanks for this info. I read a large number of historical novels and from time to time slavery is referenced or even part of the story. I had thought it was something stretched with artistic license to make the story more exciting. Guess not. Besides outright slaves, there was a lot of indentured servitude–no bail outs for anyone.

                Then there is Australia, a colony that grew from those sentenced to transport if they escaped the hangman.

                In today’s world, there are other sorts of ways to be enslaved without having manacles on. Choose wisely. Choose freedom.

              • Thanks for this info. I read a large number of historical novels and from time to time slavery is referenced or even part of the story. I had thought it was something stretched with artistic license to make the story more exciting. Guess not. Besides outright slaves, there was a lot of indentured servitude–no bail outs for anyone.

                Then there is Australia, a colony that grew from those sentenced to transport if they escaped the hangman.

                In today’s world, there are other sorts of ways to be enslaved without having manacles on. Choose wisely. Choose freedom.

              • I just finished reading a book related to this issue, “Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates” by Brian Kilmeade. This story of the behavior of Muslims and their rulers 200 years ago showed them doing some of the same strategies that they are using against the rest of the world today. Lucky that Jefferson, the Marines, and brave leaders and sailors won that time. Recommended reading!

            • This is the person or persons that belong in Gitmo or some of the FEMA camps with those Nazi style gas chambers we been hearing about.

              • Ill be glad to run the gas chambers!

            • The demoncrap party has become a bunch of communist anarchists. These are the leftists’ equivalent of child jihadists. They are training children to kill, maim, hurt, and inflict damage on people who oppose their agenda. The political movement of the left anarchists has to be crushed, because just like izlam, they are a threat to civilized society.

              Public universities have become training camps for the left fascist militants, who claim to believe in free speech, except for any speech they disagree with. Then they are hellbent to stifle it by any means necessary, as they have repeatedly demonstrated.

              Those are anarchists who train children to set fires in the streets the night before the new President is to be inaugurated. The law has every right to, and MUST, come down on them. This criminal behavior can not be tolerated by a free and civilized society.

            • so right!

            • Raiding the next village for prisoners to sell to the Arab slavers or the Europeans on the coast was the economy.

          • Me too. I’d love to see this pos woman in prison by the end of February. Although they probably know already, I copied & emailed this to the Whitehouse. I’m F-ing sick of these violent protests and agitators. They truly are a danger to society and belong in prison.

          • yep LMFAO….funny how the evil which drives these creatures is the assignable cause for the very issue these morons espouse..tremendous irony and fatal hypocrisy. these morons are infected with a zombie type mind control plasmid/prion, delivered by many routes…mostly drinking water,

        • @Anon,
          Seriously, by the case??????, you’re slacking off, surely you meant to say by the shrink wrapped pallet!!!!!

          • Been a while since I ordered a pallet of ammo… At least I did that before obama got the prices hiked thru the roof.

          • Wilson said ‘shrink wrapped pallet’ Now, there’s someone who knows proper shipping terminology! Plus, it keeps the cases from sliding around!
            I’m envious. I never get to buy that much at once.
            STOCK UP!!

            • I was thinking more like 40′ high cube

            • I caused a bit of a stir in the neighborhood one day, when 10 cases of Romanian 8mm Mauser surplus ammo showed up on the UPS truck. It was shrink wrapped on a pallet, they had a lift gate truck and dropped it off right in the driveway.

              They asked a neighbor if I’d be home soon, they would have dollied it around to the patio, otherwise.

              Nice ammo, for surplus, was $65 for a case of two spam cans. Perfect fodder for the K98. Just one spam can now is about $200 at the shows.

              Certainly found out which of the neighbors had guns, a couple of them came out of the woodwork.

        • I have thousands of dollars worth of rounds I would like to offer anyone who desires reparations for damages done to people they dont know at a time when the world was different. Additional reparations could likely be gained by going to Africa and getting the tribes WHO SOLD THE CONQUERED TRIBES TO THE DUTCH to pay up. Hey! Why not hit up the Dutch too? They just injected 10M into the abortion fund to kill even MORE black babies so maybe they have some extra cash laying around. Maybe channel it all through a “Poor me” or “Forever the victim” Kickstarter page? Arseholes.

        • You assholes have the right for free speech so here is mine.

          You will (LEAVE) MY/OUR WHITE HOUSE ALONE also the OCCUPANTS, I do not care who is in it.

          You need to look what country you are living in if you do not like it LEAVE go to RED CHINA, NORTH KOREA, or SAUDI ARABIA and pull your shit there.

          Congratulations you are now on THE WATCH LIST, and I hope you shit the wrong way, and whatever AGENCY is watching you nails your GHETTO TRASH ASS.

          Now go back to your PUBLIC HOUSING with your FOOD STAMPS that people like me pay for drink you cheap WINE or VODKA, or what ever JAIL or MENTAL INSTITUTION you are on release from.

        • If anything, niggers owe reparations to whites for the mayhem they cause and the costs of allowing them to infest a civilized society.

          If they’re so great, why do their white cheerleaders have to constantly make excuses for them?

        • Shes a dam teacher ?
          ok sorry folks but I gotta go here

          If you’re not homeschooling. . . you’re abusing your children.

          Quit it.

          • While I like the idea of home schooling, my grandkids go to a private Christian school here in Canada. You can bet they would not put up with that crap at that school. My son is a federal cop who is strong in his faith and he would make sure.

        • Yup

        • Yep, “social justice” to the fascist left means killing people. Same “logic” used by Robespierre, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao and his millions murdered, Castro and his hundreds of thousands, Mentally Il Kim Sung, or and the dead from starvation, violence and worse in Zimbabwe and Venezuela.

          But my favourite is now-in-Hell Che Guevara, and his “a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate,”(no campus “safe places” from him!) who boasted that he executed from “revolutionary conviction” rather than from any “archaic bourgeois details” like judicial evidence, and urged “atomic extermination” as the final solution for those American “hyenas” (in which he almost succeeded October 1962.

          100 million MURDERED by the left last century per the Black Book of Communism, Oxford University Press. And if they have their way, there will be 100 million MORE this century, too. Some “social(ist) justice. More like pure evil, inspired by Satan himself

        • People, Please, AMMO is not what is needed, nor is violence. The lady said what she wanted was repatriation. Why not just give her what she wants. Put her on a transport plane and drop her off in NIGERIA with no possibility of return.

          • Just give them their 40 acres in the middle of the Mohave or Sonoran Deserts, and a mule. We’ll come back later and get the mules.

        • The silent majority… MUZZLE REPORTS, NOT SO MUCH. Nobody wants to go there… especially them!

      2. Wow did I time this right for a Christmas present to myself. I am unpacking 1K of 5.56×45, 1K of 7.62X51, 200 hollow point of 9mm and 200 hollow point of 45 ACP. So anytime they want to start killing I’m in good shape…

        • @rabbitone,
          Merry Christmas, hope you enjoy your gifts. BTW, Valentine’s Day is in 2 weeks, followed by St. Patrick’s Day in 6 weeks, Easter Sunday in 11 weeks, well you get the picture. Keep up the good effort.

        • Nothing says ‘Merry Christmas’ like 2400 rounds of antipersonnel rounds !

          I need to fire up the Dillon press, crank out some stuff.

          • Slidefire

        • I’m Old so I can say I’ve heard this dialogue before.
          Of course I follow the adage, “There is no such thing as
          too much ammo.” etc, etc. Please, get enough. No, I don’t
          know how much is enough. My question in this dialogue is
          “How much can you “Load-out” and not drop dead like a rented Mule? You have to leave the other 5,000 rounds in the

          • Frederick Gibson

            Good point. How much to load out?

            Depends on how many high capacity magazines you have. Lets say you have two rifles. AR and an AK with 50 thirty round mags. Twenty five for each rifle. Seven hundred fifty rounds for each. Now how many times do you want to or be able to reload all those mags? Lots of weight to loaded magazines and then how many tins you have. How many loaded mags do you feel safe with in a fire fight

            Cache the rest.

            • 1 x 30 Round Mag with Green Tips = 2 Lbs. 25 Mags = 50Lbs. No Problem. lol Carry 12 mags, and leave the other 13 in an Ammo Can at your Sandbag Lookout Post.

              btw/ Preppers/ Patriots, this is a deal for just a few days – Reg .35 cents, now just .27 cents for OD Green Sand Bags at CampingSurvival. Trust me on this, You need to have at least 200 Bags, and throw a few dozen in your Bug-Out-Bag, they weigh so little. I bought 300 and need another 100-200 bags more to complete all my projects. Sandbags, will stop bullets up to .50 Cal and they will help hide your body heat signature for nighttime observation posts. Cheap Insurance for survival at the BOL. Also can be used for flooding protection. Just add sand.

              • TD

                Good to see you have some sandbags. Are they already filled? That is a real pain in the ass to do and would be harder in we were in a problem event. I have filled mine and set them in the shed. A lot of them. Out of sight. Will use a dolly to move them when needed.

                • Yep all filled and placed, but about 30 sandbags left. I need more sand. I built a sand bag filler box from a wooden pallet, with a road safety cone tipped upside down in the box to funnel the sand in the bags below. Attached a few hooks underneath to hold the bags up when filling. Get your Tools built now, get your truck of sand now too, or you can buy 1/3 Yard big bags of sand at the big box stores. You can approximately fill 100 sand bags with one full yard of sand. A truck load of sand is priceless. Get it now before SHTF.

                  • TD

                    Oh yeah. I have been talking about sandbags here at SHTF plan for some time. Even with cone filler it is a PITA to shovel, bag and then move the earth around.

                    But agree it is a great bullet stopper but you have to do the placement of the bags so you leave no seams open.
                    Offset double row works good. Duct tape as a bag repair.

            • The California model is ammo control, so you can only buy small amounts. The plan is to limit monthly purchases. Currently the limit is less than most people would shoot at a range during a two hour outing for one person. I find it amazing how much ammo we can plow through when I take the family to the range and dad is paying for the ammo!

              Building a solid supply now is only prudent.

              The left also seems intent on banning lead, as a back door to fascist gun control. There are lead substitutes but they are expensive and rarely as good.

              Hot tip of the day! I just scored a case of .45 that will get me through the summer trips to the range. When It arrived I immediately pack it into an air tight fat 50 ammo case, and added two big packs of desiccant. You can buy desiccant on Amazon. In two weeks I’ll pull those desiccant packs, dry them in an oven and put them back into the ammo case for a month. Long term I store that ammo with a smaller pack of desiccant and use the big ones for new ammo purchases. This is standard for all new ammo purchases for me. I have no knowledge of how it was transported or previously stored, and I’ve found very dry ammo works really well and is much more reliable and keeps better on the shelf. Keep your powder dry.

              Consider some air guns too, so you can continue to practice with quiet guns even while they are cracking down, or ammo is too precious to burn up. A good air rifle is also effective against garden raiding rats and vermin.

              • Pellet rifles can reach up to 1200fps and reach out to 50 yards. Silent and accurate but you need to find the right pellet that the rifle likes (Performs) and practice. Buy a good rifle too.

                I mean to shoot the intruders eye out.

                Break away/one pump
                Info. On some rifles the “break in” can take 200 to 300 pellets and check the “O” seal. You can lose 150 fps if it does not seal correctly. Use a straight edge to check if you can feel the O ring resistance across the sealing surface. Kits available. Mine did not seal out of the box. Tighten screws and if need be add lock tight. Do not fire the gun without a pellet. It can possibly ruin the air cylinder.

                Get ready to wear your arm out.

                • Ive got a marauder .25, actually been using 45g hollow point lead bullets from the hollowpoint guy, amazing little pellet gun, is a PCP, not your childhood pellet gun

                  • That’s a nice looking air rifle. .25 cal likely also solves the problem that smaller calibers have of bouncing off the skulls of larger game and varmints like groundhog and raccoon.

          • Gotta think Squad, as a minimum. Forget the one-man fortress, that’s a losing proposition from the get-go.

            Form your group, and defend your entire neighborhood. Ten men can either defend ten houses, one by one, or they can defend 200 houses from defensive positions.

            Powder Monkey and Ammo Bearer will be good duty, when the time comes.

      3. In the words of General Tommy Franks,”we have more bullets than they have assholes.”

        • Tommy Frank was a Complete Failure.. Invade Iraq with no occupation Plan to stabilize the Country or Military. It was freedom for a few days then all out friggin Chaos. Then American Bodies really started pilling up. Franks was a Disaster. POS. Quote from a Lt Col Tank commander, “Tommy Franks Fucked up Bigtime.” As tears came to his face. He lost a lot of friends after the Invasion.

          Have a friggin Plan, Enter, Occupy and Exit.

          They had Bush convinced, as he said, the US Troops will be greeted with Flowers. Reality they were greeted with IED’s.

          Franks was a Drunk and a Jackass, Nice Quote, but still he was a Jackass. He is hiding somewhere out West now. Like Cheney in WY.

          • Look it up, as soon as Iraq fell into all out chaos after the Invasion (cake walk), Tommy Franks was pulled off his command, because he did not know what to do next to control Iraq, So he resigned, or was fired and removed from his command. He still receives a full pension for his F-UP~ and dead Americans blood on his hands. The Iraq War was this Biggest Costliest War Disaster in American History. Should have never Illegally Invaded and occupied Iraq. Thus the Taliban hatched out of the vacuum of taking Saddam out, and , then ISIS hatched when the US pulled out by setting a date. Rewind back, I have hours of live Video Tape of Bagdad Falling after the Invasion. It was just a few days of success, then all hell broke loose, and massive looting and killing took off, Museums were looted, gold looted, oil ministry looted, fires everywhere and the electric grid collapsed and hunger insued. The Iraqi Military was disbanded, and they soon took up to form new resistance of the US occupation. All Bush was worried about was stealing Iraq’s Oil, and how happy he was that Saddam did not set the oil wells on fire like in Desert Shield then Desert Storm in 1991. They tried to rename the Bagdad Airport as Bush Intl. Oh the Mission Accomplished chant on the aircraft carrier, with the publicity stunt of Bush landing on the carrier to declare victory. Its was all a Big Fraud.


            • I should say the Taliban and al-Quada hatch out of Saddams fall in the Invasion. It created more problems in the world today, than it solved. Total FUBAR!

            • So Vietnam does not qualify as a disaster? What, 67,000 dead Americans? It was supposed to be a police force.

      4. People please help dig into who she is. Contact her employer and make sure she’s fired. Then post where she lives, phone number, email, social media accounts. She will regret this….

        When snowflakes say stuff like this simply reply with

        “Say When…”

      5. “We Need To Start Killing People… We Need To Start Killing The White House” – Seattle Social Justice Warrior Caught On Tape Threatening Violence and Demanding Reparations

        “I’ll be your Huckleberry” ツ

        • FTW, a bullet will work on her just like on anyone else.

      6. Ignorant woman with a foul mouth.

        Is this not hate speech.

        40 hours a week is all she works. No overtime? What college does she attend. How many grants and scholarships does she have?

        If a white woman gave this speech, how would it affect her educational and career opportunities?

        Who is really getting fucked? Who is really fucking fed up?


        • Somebody should of offered her a hot cup of coca & and a blanket, then politely shown her the direction to her safe space.

          • FTW, I wouldn’t even offer that ape anything. I’d give her one chance ONLY to turn around and leave on her own. If not, then I’d throw her out.

            • Take more than words to throw her out.Feel up to it.

              • Tacoma, I can hold my own, especially with all the experience I have in dealing with bullies back in my school days. If it means going BEYOND ‘throwing her out’, THAT’S also an option.

        • It’s claimed she is a teacher, but no one is identifying her around here, in Washington.

          If she is, once she’s found out, she will be fired.

          • So the hair fire starter was an educator, and where does this TEACHER work? I find it repulsive, I went to protest women stripping in an outside bar at eight in the morning-school kids get to see the antic too! dear god if the local teachers were in the bar with the strippers. I was told what teachers do off duty, is there own concern- 8 am drinking with strippers and off to work by nine teaching a child. We need to literally clean house.

            • Seems to be one teacher getting caught having sex with a student about every three months up here. They’ve all been female teachers, lately.

        • On the bottom of the video it said that it was streaming from England…..why are they protesting there? They got no business prying into our business here. So was this happening in England? I’m not sure. She didn’t have a british accent tho. Don’t know why it said was streaming from England.

          • This is an organized rebellion of the NWO against President Donald Trump. Illuminati Nazi George Soros is behind the riots that the propaganda media is calling protests.

            h ttp://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/01/billionaire-george-soros-behind-50-groups-supporting-womens-protests-yesterday/

          • It was posted to the net from the UK, the protest was at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport here.

            This got no coverage on the local news.

        • Check this out on YouTube:

          The Beast As Saint: The Truth About Martin Luther King Jr. (with CC)


          Apparently Dr. Martin Luther King is a total fake. His real name is Michael King. There are FBI tapes of him the night before he was shot. Michael King had three women in his hotel room. He fucked two of them, the third he beat viciously. King was an avowed Marxist. His writings and speeches were plargerized. He plargerized a thesis to get a PHD.

          Could his murder have been commited by the friends or family of the beaten woman?
          Or was his sexual sadism a threat to the chews who were promoting blacks as part of a conspiracy for power for themselves. After Kings death, he was worshipped as a martyr. He has a holiday and the founding fathers have been erased.

          __ Our children are taught to believe something that is completely the opposite of reality.
          __ King was violent, a communist, a pawn of (((“Chews”))).
          __ No Holiday For King, Perhaps “End The Fed” could be celebrated instead. AJ DAY !!!

          • B from CA

            You’re gonna burn in hell for saying that. And become a racist too. ;0)

            • Anon, everything B from CA said is true. I’ve already verified it myself way back in the 80s. The whole idea of ‘civil rights’ is a false concept. The apes cry ‘CIVIL RIGHTS’ to justify all their crime and other BS.

              • DB

                I’m pulling her chain. Hahaha

      7. WA is a “shall issue” state. The Seattle idiot had better be careful because a lot of us carry. I carried for most of my twenty plus years living in WA state. Use of deadly force for self defense, defense of others, and defense of property laws really favor the citizen in that state. Many criminals have been shot and the police do not take your gun, nor do they charge you. BLM should know in most assaults, use of deadly force is justifiable. Felonies against property use of deadly force is justifiable, by citizens( cops can’t). You start to loot my store I can kill all looters and only yht Seattle times will complain about it.
        BLM bring it on! I don’t care about you, fu ck you!

        • Rellik, TN is also a pro-gun state. The Black CRIMINAL Lives matter apes here had better watch their step also.

        • Dont ya wish it was like that here,,,,
          Thats why my compound bow will most likely be my tool of choice, that way i at least dont start out with a firearms charge

      8. More stupid people who don’t realize what they’re asking for. And she’s a teacher! Don’t want her teaching any of mine. She sounds like she needs to be confined for a mental evaluation. Where are the authorities?

      9. Did you notice the amount of white women in the crowd? I did not see too many white men. They cheered her rant when she said they were to pay her everything and just leave. That is amazing.

        • The psychopath with a microphone for an audience of nutbars.

        • OJ, I turned off the video before she finished her rant, couldn’t stomach the rest of it. Those white people in the crowd were libturds and totally retarded for even being there. And that girl called herself a teacher? I’ll bet she needed a quota and set-aside to get that job. She could never teach me anything useful. those white retards in the crowd will someday find out the hard way they should’ve never trusted apes in the first place. They were lucky to get away from there alive.

          • I wonder if the “teacher” knows that 110,000 union soldiers already paid her reparations with the ultimate sacrifice, their lives.

            ht tp://www.historynet.com/civil-war-casualties

            • grandee;one of those 110,000 was one of my ancestors who went down at Gettysburg,our family debt paid in full!

          • Yes, she is advocating “White-Genocide”.
            She is a near perfect example of your
            latest “Common-Core” curriculum teacher.
            They need little or no academic background
            for the Subjects they teach. The only requirement
            for the job was/is strict adherence to
            Diversity/Multiculturalism ideology. It is an
            ideology of oppression that states, clearly, that
            “If White then racist”. It is the ideology that
            has alienated all of us from ourselves.
            It is a simple inversion of Hitler’s “Aryan Perfection” model.
            Now, it is the “Aryan Flaw, Racist” model.
            But this is, in toto, a fraud! You cannot turn a
            “Learned Behavior” into a “Genetic Characteristic”.
            They define it as real so that is what we face.

            • FG

              Good point.

            • FG, welcome aboard. Interesting analysis which I agree with.

        • These white people are Traitors to their race!!!

      10. This stupid bitch is all talk.
        Trying to get someone else to start something.
        She’d go back to her safe space if anything really started.

        But I am enjoying their angst and their misery.

        • Ya it is pretty funny huh lol. Buy stock in depends and Kleenex. Income tax and property tax and a few others are in reality ARMED ROBBERY. Stolen from you at the point of a gun for the wishes of a few. Anyone who promotes this should be prosecuted for armed robbery by proxy.

      11. Gynocentric society run amok. Men you did this by letting them push though legislation and appoint judges that ENTITLED THE USELESS FUCKERS into this mindset…

        Apathy is a bitter pill, but this didn’t happen overnight. Men stopped being responsible LEADERS and caved to pressure to allow women any power seats in government. A big choking mistake. Before any pansies start jumping on me, go back and consult ALL the religious texts, they AGREE with me. I don’t want to hear about the devil either, its a straw man concept for our failure to follow SAGE WISDOM and advice (no matter the source)passed down from the Dawn of mankind. NO religion espouses abdicating ANY control or power to women. You get what ye sow.

        • You’re correct Neal, It comes from that time of the month that their hormones go crazy and are not able to make a very important, level headed decision when they feel like that, so they are not to hold important offices that govern the people.

          • I guess i am a female Shovenist cuz i too believe that men make better leaders. Women are too emotional., but not all. Men are more logical. I have all male friends and only one female friend. The females have stabbed me in the back in the past, they gossip and couldn’t be trusted. Give me a man anyday. Guess i am a hopeless heterosexual.

            • I agree with you all the way. Plus I can add that it is almost impossible to find a woman who can be objective about anything; it is always all about THEM!

        • This has to do with a misguided and twisted ideology. There have been some outstanding women who led countries. Catherine II of Russia and Elizabeth I of the UK are good examples.

          • only because there no outstanding men to step up to the plate.

            course the UK examples may have been in line for the throne. Too busy to look that up just now.

            Canning carrots. prepping on !

            • Yes, there are/were great female leaders. I think tho that the feminist movement has destroyed the relationship between men and women. Men are looked down upon now. Men are becoming weak in our nation. Men need to be strong again.

              • Marie, welcome aboard. You sound like MY kind of woman. Again welcome.

              • Marie, AMEN to your comments. You sound like a woman after my own heart.

              • Modern feminist has destroyed society and government. it is called Gynocentrism and NONE of it has been good for men OR society.

              • And there’s a pattern to these great female leaders: All were very close to their fathers. Margaret Thatcher, Indira Gandhi, etc., etc. In this era of broken families, bastardy and absentee fathers, a not insignificant percentarge of women have become hateful, hate-filled creatures.
                Full disclosure: I am a female, and I agree entirely with what the other clear-thinking females have said on this thread.

        • NJ, sad but true.

      12. Moderation for the b*tch word?
        Mac, have you forgotten Acid Etch? 🙂
        Now that was some salty stuff.
        Don’t go tame on us.

        • 99% of Acid Etch’s posts were in moderation – simply because of the words he chose.

          The B word
          The C word
          The J word

          Will get stuck in moderation. Even if you use the J word as in describing a Ring or Necklace will get put into moderation.

          Avoid such words or trick the moderation system by being creative.

          • why?

            • Cause they can.

      13. Rellik, did you just quote the lerics from the mentors? They are also from the northwest!

        • Cover tune from GNR’s the “Spaghetti factory” lyrics. I can’t verify the group, but I liked the song. It makes me think about Democrats.

      14. One can take this protest speech by a Flaming Asshole exercising her rights and nothing more. Or take it serious enough, beyond a threat and arm yourselves.

        Do you think there could be any dialog with these people? Somebody is going to get a beat down (Putting it mildly)and it sure as hell is not going to be me.

        • Anon, NOBODY will try a beat-down on me if they want to live.

      15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2UBOAHNmYU

        This one way you can handle the kill white people situation. When whites get pissed the fuck off, they shoot back.


        • HCKS

          Can not go wrong with a drum or extended tube.

          An AA-12 would be nice. Clear the decks!

          • Can’t go wrong with an AK, 40 rd. mags, bumpski stock either 🙂

        • I just got my DDI 12GA. today. With all that is going on I might be needing it. If this Biotch gets her way.


          • Sarge, I’m perfectly happy with my 590A1 with high-cap mags. I may be needing mine as well.

        • HCKS, I already got one of those for my 590A1. Works like a charm.

      16. To use a Tagolog phrase about her, Putang.

      17. Let the white idiots that follow these idiots give their stuff to that idiot. All these people like this are opposed to gun ownership. What are they planning to kill us with? Their mouths?

        • The government.

          They’ll never try it themselves.

      18. Don’t I recall Hal Turner ending up in prison for making statements like that about Judges?

        • Hal Turner was an FBI agent that’s why.

      19. This is an example of shared psychosis. Or Folie a deux.

      20. molon labe

      21. Don’t these idiots realize that they will be starting a war with the most heavily armed group of non military people on the face of the planet?
        Plus the military, police forces, border guards etc an sure not on their side, cheesh dumb, dumb

      22. If not arrested she should be Baker Acted, held involuntarily for 72 hours for mental health evaluation.
        Where is the Sheriff?

        • She should be fed to Mr. Wu’s pigs!

        • That evaluation shouldn’t take but a few seconds…..yep she’s cerifiable!

      23. It’s this type of person that makes my stomach turn. I don’t wish anyone harm or hardship, but what I work for I give out of the kindness of my heart, not because CEASAR of the 21st century DEMANDED it, or death, pretty much.The global elite is stirring this type of rhetoric up and these folks are can’t see the forest for the trees. I pity them. There will be either a race war or economic class war in this country before an “invasion”, guaranteed. Congrats Rothchilds, Bilderbergs and Gates of the world. Idiots.

        • I think the Elite WANT a race war/revolution so they can have their Martial law. They want chaos….to make Order out of Chaos which is their motto. Not safe to live in the cities. I wonder if the $hit will hit this summer?

      24. The company that George Soros keeps. This woman?? says it all !!

      25. Why has she not been arrested?

      26. SHTF PLAN?? What happened to THIS >>>???????

        ” Racism, to include any religious affiliation, will not be tolerated on this site, including the disparagement of people in the comments section.”

        Really? Then why is calling people “APES” OK in your commenting section? The last time I checked, THAT is racist. (By the way, you keyboard warriors who are racist, you discredit your own intelligence by the use of your words.)
        By the way, I am lily white. It doesn’t matter, a policy that is stated is NOT being held to account. Just asking.

        • Then let your clutch out sweetie. Gas pedal is on the right…stand on it!

          • Dang nagger’s!

            • Jayna, That’s a pretty PC comment there. Do you believe in freedom at all? EVERYONE has the right to be a racist or think anyway they want. The left are the most racist of them all! Don’t try and be the thought police or disparage people for their beliefs. Besides, it’s a fact naggers are waayyyy more responsible for crimes per capita than any others. There are a lot of good black folks but they aren’t the ones spewing shit and commiting crimes. Look at black culture… I’s sickening, retarded, apelike, pathetic. Deny it all you want but if your going to spew PC crap maybe your in the wrong place….

              • Where seldom is heard.
                A disparaging word.
                And the skies are not cloudy all day.

                • Oh give me a home
                  Where no liberals roam
                  With a 20mm and an AK
                  (add to the above)

                  • Altogether now.

                    Home, home on the range.
                    Where the queers and the GTB’s play
                    If you say the wrong word
                    You’ll be labeled a turd.
                    But it don’t matter to us anyway.

                    • Oh give me a home
                      With BLM under a dome
                      and cover them all with bug spray
                      And choke them to death
                      every worthless breath
                      For this oh god how I pray…

                • Yeah cloudy all day cuz of the chemtrails.

                  • That is something else Trump needs to abolish!

              • Genius…I was merely pointing out facts, if that’s “PC”, then so be it…however, I see how it is…AGAIN…you can only have an opinion if it goes with the racist masses??? And, what exactly is a “nagger”? Again, you insult your own intelligence with name-calling. They say folks who tend to use disparaging comments have nothing intelligent to say. Could this be true?

        • Jayna

          “By the way, I am lily white. It doesn’t matter, a policy that is stated is NOT being held to account.”

          You just finding out that life isn’t fair?

          • And be sure to send 5 times your taxes in to support BLM and the rest ok. Soros is going bankrupt paying for all these morons lol.

          • Genius, LMAO! Damn good poem! Reminds me of Eppe. RIP, brother.

        • If they act like thst must be what they are

        • SHTF PLAN?? What happened to THIS >>>???????

          ” Racism, to include any religious affiliation, will not be tolerated on this site, including the disparagement of people in the comments section.”

          That is just common courtesy passage for those liberal, soft feeling, touchy touchy kinda people. If belittling, childish, and unethical words are not within your moral compass – then maybe this isn’t a place for you … iduno … it’s just words … no need to take it personally. ツ

        • Jayna, why do you think it’s OK to stand up for people who don’t care about this nation, who won’t play by the rules, who follow an agenda that has evil intentions toward this nation and its people, culture, traditions, heritage, etc.? That jezebel in the video made her feelings crystal clear about this nation and ESPECIALLY white people, INCLUDING YOURSELF, SWEETIE! If you watched the video and listened to her speech, how can you NOT consider HER words as racist? The only racism in America is RACISM FROM MINORITY GROUPS AIMED AGAINST WHITE PEOPLE, NOT VICE-VERSA. I would hope you’ll reconsider your position. I’m going easy on you compared to what I normally do but I chose not to in your case. Those people always complain about America so why are they still here? Why don’t they go find a country that works for them? I’m a white male who stands up for other white people and don’t accept any of the liberal propaganda put out about us. I don’t have any ‘white guilt’ or ‘white privelege’. I don’t owe anything to anyone and no one owes me anything either. I’m tired of seeing minority groups and all these foreign groups get special treatment from the federal government. There are white people out here who need help and can’t get anything. None of us owe anything to these foreign groups. You don’t owe them anything either.

        • Well Jayna I will admit that im Racist. We have a right to be Racist if we wish. In fact the KKK could run a candidate for President. Wait they did remember George Wallace? And the Racist Muslims and Black panthers ran a Mulatto for president and he won twice! I want you to look in the mirror and ask yourself whould you want your children or grandchildren to marry one of those pavement apes? The sad fact is if every white person disappeared from the face of the planet overnite. Tommorrow the other races would have more problems than ever. If the opposite happened there would be fewer problems. You wanna see just what apes accomplish without oppression from whitey? Take a look at Hati.

        • “J”
          Let me make this simple so even you can understand it.


          Any White, Black, Red, Yellow, Green, Gray, Purple, nigger that threatens me and my family, my way of life, and the White House is against us.

          Definition of Nigger is a life style and this Biotch fits it 100%. So if she and the rest of them want to come after the White House you wont just have the Police, Military to fight you will have me and a lot of us here ready and willing to fight.


          • Sgt…I’m college educated, thanks so very much. I just think that going down on those very levels of those you see behaving that way, is counter-productive. It shows HER ignorance, and the responses show others’ ignorance.

      27. let the fuck at her….I’ll show her what she wants of me.she wants me to die and to forfiet all I have. I’d just assume kill her and take all she has…and don’t play broke with me, give ME the FUCKING property you have bitch.

      28. This is no different from threats I have seen directed at liberals, gays and atheists by so-called patriots, christians and cons. Get you head out of your ass.

        • Yeah? When did you see the Mayor of Seattle or the Governor there?

        • You really are a special kinda stupid troll aint ya

          • He can’t stand himself…

            • Genius, the troll can’t live with himself. still livin in mommy’s basement.

            • Must be related to Kanstanza
              Cause we can’t stands ya.

        • Cant stand bs, here’s one patriot that won’t have any problem putting a foot up YOUR stupid libturd ass. STFU and move on, moron! We can’t stand you, so that makes us even.

      29. Evidently this woman has very little education since her vocabulary is EXTREMELY limited and comes out of the sewer!!! She doesn’t even know what shes talking about. Blacks need to get a grip, get rid of the “entitlement” mindset, get a job & work like the rest of us! President Trump was our ONLY hope for the WH. May God bless and protect him and his family!

        • Cleo, that jezebel has been on the crackpipe way too long. A lost cause.

      30. Political speech has a wide latitude as it should. Advocating murder, certainly, unquestionably, crosses over the protection of the First Amendment.

        What the hell do these people have to do to go to jail, actually commit what they preach?

        • An emphatic Yes! The Laws must enforce the “Act” and
          not the “Thought”. This is very much one of the issues
          the Founding Fathers waded thru. “Yes” is their answer that
          I agree with.

      31. People like this mentally unstable woman can not separate reality from fancily. She and her kind will be exterminated by the real America in short order if they try out their ideals of armed attack and murder. She has no idea of what really awaits for her in form of experience, training and weaponry. I say to her put up or shut up. It makes me sad to see that our education system has produced someone as stupid as her and the news media that put them forth in the news.

      32. Apparently, no “campus safe space” for the fascist leftist quoted above, I guess, right?

        As you see, the left, going all the way back to Robespierre, is ALWAYS full of H8TE and violence. Always. It is their stock and trade.

        I repeatedly cite The Black Book of Communism, Oxford University Press, on this site, which noted the VIOLENT LEFT **MURDERED** around 100 freaking MILLION last century (not counting the 50 million plus babies murdered in this country alone thru abortion). Life has no value to the left, and you are an accident of mindless evolution, with consciousness just an epiphenomenon of the brain, meaning nothing. If they could turn us unwashed masses in flyover country into Solyent Green, they literally would (just don’t touch the Delta Smelt in the San Juaquin River!!)

        Any one wishing to get up to speed on the issue, I beg you to google Antonio Gramsci, Cloward-Piven, the Frankfurt School, and of course the vile Saul Alinksy, who did indeed have a dedication to Lucifer (I owned the book from when it was required reading at university from my rich, leftist professors, so I know. Whether it was technically a dedication or called something else is immaterial).

        The left has actually gone feral. They are nothing more than a pack of wolves or sharks with blood in the water. Their hypocrisy has absolutely ZERO limits (witness their whining about the gays Nazi Brownshirts and all the “H8TE” they get, when they themselves are the biggest haters on the planet), then turn around and threaten Trump. IMHO, this woman should be arrested. While I despised Obama’s policies and rhinestone communism, it would NEVER have even crossed my mind to say something like the above – never. Our battle is a non-violent one for minds and hearts. But for the left, they are true to form with their evil upon evil, and, as always, full of violence and hate

        • Test; BINGO!

      33. If you don’t like capitalism, go live in North Korea you stupid low life pig. I will never pay reparations to you or anyone else. I never owned slaves so shut the f up already about reparations.

      34. … and oh yeah…. as ALWAYS about the left, it is ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS about the money.

        Tell you what, fascist left: I will give you all my money the first time just ONE of your Learjet leftists in Hollywierd opens up just ONE room in just ONE of their multiple mansions (google “George Clooney mansions” for a real hoot; or Mikey Moore’s mansion) to just ONE indigent person/illegal immigrant/jihdadist faux refugee for just ONE night.


        Nah, didn’t think so.

      35. Speaking of Learjet leftists… I’m reminded of dear old departed Leonid Brezhnev. OK, yes, this is apocryphal, but still…

        The story goes Leonid Brezhnev had his ancient grandmother visit him at his office in Moscow when he was leader of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Brezhnev proudly showed her his many Zil limousines – all left running for whenever his whims demanded – the Italian marble floors in his private bathroom, the gold plated handles on his mahogany desk, all his dachas, his multiple fine silk suites in his closets, and much, much more.
        Finally, the end of the day came, and all the assistants, servants and aides went home. After everyone had left, the aged grandmother looked around very, very carefully, then sidled up as close as she possibly could to her grandson and whispered very, very quietly in his ear:

        “This is all very well, Leonid. But… ***************what if the Communists come???”***************

        Of course, today we would apply this same story to all the Hollywood Learjet leftists, Michelle-Marie Antoinette Obama and her monthly uber-vacations, the John Kerrys with their mega-yachts, the Nancy Pelosis who increase their net worth by tens of millions while in office, etc.
        Or, maybe, in real life, re. Irina Bokova, who as of Sept. 2016 was head of the UN’s UNESCO, and now is up to be the UN head in 2017. This “woman of the people” – but not apocryphal, has a number of luxury properties (among other things), including a Manhattan apartment worth over $3 million, and own properties in London and Paris, worth over $1 million each, according to Bulgarian watchdog Bivol. Funny how she obtained all this as a “servant of the people” on a public servant’s salary. Kinda reminds one of fellow commie rich-nik former UN Under-Secretary General Maurice Strong, who recently went to his reward – or lack thereof – despite a net worth of over $100 million.

      36. Again, if you can’t stand AMERICA, fuck’n leave. Syria looks good for her, and her pathetic bunch of western Washington state liberal “dickheads”. Yah run your mouth, like she does, yah might end up “no body no crime” statistic

      37. I say like someone mentioned, find out where she works, where she lives, who she is and post this video all over the internet and then send it to what ever tv station will put it up. Then I propose showing it to law enforcement as well and the FBI.

      38. Ill give your dumb ass reparations,
        Itll start with a gaping hole where the front of your head was then spread to every single turd i encounter till i am stopped,,,

        • Use a nailgun on em’. That could be fun!

          • A 16 penny afro lol.

            • Built in wireless antennae. Straight to the brain.

        • Nail, don’t give us any ideas, LOL.

          • Moss 590 blackwater with 3″ hot loaded 450g slugs

      39. The Left is ignorant of or intentionally ignoring the
        Demographics of the situation. As several have noted, BLM
        is outnumbered at a dramatic level. Plus we are armed.
        They have a ideological impetus to strike. They must tear
        down the “old Order” in order to build their utopia on clear
        ground. I would only add that very few on the Left know how
        to use the arms they have. They need to be introduced to
        American Marksmanship, a very real thing. But, like most
        Jihadi’s, they will just “Spray and Pray.” The lessons
        they will learn will be short and final. 11B

      40. Is this some sort of radical, avante garde street theater? If not, me thinks she is batshit nuts. Most all the colleges were built by capitalists, supported by generous alumni that made their money via capitalism. Whatever college she went to to get her teaching degree, was built by a capitalist system unless she went to Nutjob U. Loans and grants? Capitalism… I could admire her for her demand that white people give up all their property and money, and then leave-pretty straight forward and honest opinion, agree or not. However I would actually respect her if she was leading from..the…front…, her pet lynchmob into a neighborhood full of non-compliant white people that she knew had guns and would give up their property 55 &123 grains at a time. That would earn her actual respect-not flapping her gums about rediculous bullshit. Clowns like her rave about revolution. The only successful revolution in history against a reigning power, was pulled off by the descendants of the very white people she aims to rob. Maybe she skipped history that year, or she’d have an idea of how incredibly stupid she comes across. I am not denegrating the contribution of free blacks of the era, but they were not the instrument of change. They were just hoping that the document that said “all men were created equal” included them. Nuff for now. I have to go look at all the stuff I’m going to keep. Like, everything.

      41. Don’t be side tracked by ignorant people and the ignorance that spews out of their mouths. Most of them are being used by the liberal communists to stir up racial division which is a diversion.

        Keep your eyes on agencies such as the FBI which are full of agents who don’t give a damn about Americans or the constitution. If they did care, they wouldn’t be completely obsessed with surveilling Americans, hacking our phones and computers, and using their hired out gang stalking crews.

      42. I suggest you consult with the Indians.

        • lol right on!

      43. Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) said Democrats must “fight in Congress, fight in the courts, fight in the streets, fight online, fight at the ballot box,” against the administration of President Donald Trump.


        Well try this one for size. They want to get scrappy!

        • And Tim Kaine claims the women’s march was grassroots in the Video. Total BS. Its already proven to have been a Soros Paid Pussy Hat marchers. Democraps are done, cooked, and now irrelevant. Now go back to your low testosterone gay closet. Tim Kaine is an obstructionist and a dope, looks like a drunk, like Otis on Mayberry RFD. Just look at him. Like he crawled out of bed still drunk, blood shot eyes, spouting off like he’s somebody.

      44. The next generation of clueless morons.

        Is this genetic or is it mind controlled ?
        Are they paid crisis actors just doing their job ?
        Is there a way to reverse engineer a moron?

        My daddy always told me ya cant fix stupid.

      45. I hope she doesn’t kiss her mother with that mouth.

        Bring it on Bitch! I wouldn’t think twice about putting one in her eye.

        I hope they have dug their grave because they are going to need them.

        She wants a war we will give it to them.

        Aim Small Miss Small

      46. What a stupid turd she is. If they had control of the country it would be the jungle that she came from.

        I’m 5th gen American, when does that make me a Native American?

        Reparation BS. My Fathers Great Grandfather fought on the side of the North and my mother great Grandfather fought on the side of the South. They should be pay You and I, we have paid for there lazy ass for over 65 years time to stop paying them and let them see how the will live.

        If she tries to kill me she will get one in the EYE.

        Aim Small Miss Small

        • Sarge, I got my equinox and red dot! I tried it out last night (just the night vision) and it does well out to 100 yards. I will have to get a picaninny extention for mounting though. The red dot needs another 1/2 inch in height but the extention has a 1/2 inch higher platform so all is good. One thing I don’t like is the illuminator is not invisible. Thanks again!

          • “G”
            Happy I could help.

            Got my DDI 12Ga. today. Just in time for my “B” Day.
            Can’t wait to put the new furniture on it. It will make it more tactical.


        • Having an ALL European descent does not make you Native American no matter how long you have lived here. My Family has been here since 1638 when only about 50,000 white people were here in America. I think it is about 8 to 10 Generations back. However my family mixed with Native Mohawk in the later 1800’s. The Real Native Mohawk Natives, Upper State NY Orig, would rip the heart out of their enemies and eat it Pre 1800’s. The Flint makers, and man eaters, the fur traders. I am only 1/16 Mohawk and proudly display the Mohawk Flag at my BOL Building with many others like Jolly Rogers skull and bones, Don’t Tread on Me, Stars and Stripes and the confederate Flag. They are all Rallying Flags for “ALL Good Men to come to the Aid of Our Country.” Women welcome. 🙂

      47. This is a pre school teacher? Is the school aware of this persons stated desires? They should be, I wouldnt want my kids anywhere near that. The school should be made aware to protect the children.

      48. terminate all of them

      49. Soros probably gave her a bonus for her unbridled passion in wupport of his cause. She’d better spend it before everything goes to hell… because she just fastened a big target on her own back.

      50. First words of Video “we won’t support any discrimination” Next words “F all white people”.

      51. Mark Dice Has a video were he asked black people what they think the world would be like if there were no black people. You should see the looks on their faces.

      52. I’d love to just see her go one on one with another woman. I’d bet she’d get her butt handed to her. Mouth doesn’t get you there.

      53. This woman, and people like her need severe behavior modification: Beat the ever living F*** out of them until they no longer believe my stuff belongs to them.

      54. Enough! More actors, more talk, more kicking of the bee hive. More fighting along the utterly ridiculous and millennia long reasons of skin tone, fairy tale deity’s and hierarchical monetary idolatry.

        Perhaps, after the next world wide cataclysm, the surviving 6th generation of mankind will not fall into the trap of religion, warfare and greed and through mutual respect, manage to attain a level of technology to leave this place.

      55. Kay.

        Start with yourself.

        The improvement would be noticeable.

      56. Nice job, equal opportunity employers and trusting parents.

      57. This person needs to be in jail before someone gets killed. Total nut job

      58. Id like to send her a Zyklon B air freshener, with the instructions to open and then inhale deeply as deep inhalation cleanses the lungs. Nothing but a communist pig.

      59. Same old same old Soros trying to trick normal folks into killing each other. He profits from chaos wherever it is.

      60. The battle is for the hearts and minds of the body politic. The radical left are pandering to their small audience but not endearing themselves to the public at large where the political victory resides. Conversely President Trump is saving jobs and the MSM has to cover his victories.

        We’re witnessing desperation.

      61. I dont have far to go out of my AO to run into this demographic
        but they aint all sure about me and what I’m all about , they also know just from checking me out , that I will not go quietly into the night

        I travel heavy .. always

        Ive seen some things , I’ve had some issues , I’ve been paying attention for decades , I’ve also lived among them not to many years ago, in the heart of Detroit ..Intel if you will , it all fills in blanks for those awake

      62. Wanna really see the apes and commies out in the streets? Trump should sign an executive order to change MLK day to Civil rights day. And change the holiday called Presidents day to George Washingtons Bday. After all, MLK was not the only civil rights leader in America, and some of the past Presidents were traitors (Wilson, Clinton, and Obama come to mind).
        Then Trump should sign another executive order that anyone protesting other than peaceably and lawfully is a domestic terrorist, and shall be detained “indefinitely” until the war on terror is over. (remember Obama signed the NDAA act). There will be plenty of room in prison once he signs another executive order to deport all illegal alien criminals incarcerated in America back to the shitholes they came from. Any leftover lone-wolf ‘protestors’ will be dealt with by ‘we the armed white militias of America’…..!!!!!

        • J says

          Beware a knife with two edges. Right now President Trump is in office. Rule by decree is dangerous especially when it concerns political protest. I’m frightened of government having too much power to contain political opposition. I think of the criminal Vietnam war and what it took to end it.

          I’m a big fan of the protections in the entire Bill Of Rights even when it protects those I disagree with. Indefinite detention without trial isn’t Constitutional. Deporting illegal aliens is.

      63. Gas, grass, or @$$ Nobody rides for free!!!

      64. That bitch needs to shut the fuck up. Reparations? My Family never owned slaves, and killed native Americans, so fuck you. I’m not paying you a motherfucking dime, other than what you leech off the theft of my taxes. You want my house, my money, my property? LOL, come and fucking taking…I dare you.

        Oh, you work 40 hours a week? That’s cute. I work 60+ every week, and on holidays…so you can get your free phones and subsidized health care.

        The only person that’s racist is you, snowflake. I hope you lose your teaching job for this.

        • ColoradoKd

          “My Family never owned slaves, and killed native Americans”

          I’m with ya. A black guy in work who’s aunt was the NAACP head for the area was saying, “You people” regarding slavery. I reminded him that no one in my family line from either side stepped foot in the USA before 1915 and they we’re not met with a brass band. My father born here shortly after his parents arrived thought his parents immigrated from Dego or Wop as that is what he was known as by the indigenous population. The Polish side faired about the same.

      65. This woman in the video has no idea. She knows that at the moment she can say and do what she wants without reprisal. She feels protected for the Law is still enforced. She has not contemplated the effects of Without Rule of Law.
        This “Kill Whitey’ shit will be met with search and destroy tactics by people with REAL Skills in that department. Those who may want to fight a defensive war could easily change tactics because they have to do so.
        I do not like these continuing threats and tired of wondering when it is all going to bust loose. I would say, Bring it or shut the fuck up.

        I will tell you that if Bill, Hillary, Soros and all those who have committed crimes against this country and have evaded the law, that once this shit hits the fan I will not have a guilty conscience for the things I will do to help right the country.

        I doubt very much that the peace will last for Trumps full term as president.

        Prep for War.

      66. This guy is a real Peach. I wonder if he knows who his daddy is? (rhetorical)
        This is Obama’s Legacy. Enjoy

      67. Trump didn’t just trademark his 2020 campaign slogan. He filed a notice (FEC Form 99) with the Federal Election Commission of his intention to run for reelection in 2020 — and he did this on January 20, 2017, the day of his inauguration.

        501(c)(3) not for profit BITCH Activities have to stop or they loose the exempt status.

        This president is no dumb ass like the last – 4 1/2 presidents (includes Hillary’s half assed attempt to run).


        Most of you bloggers here are **cking psychopathic uneducated a**holes.

        • Mushroom.

          Push back from lots of years bullshit.

          How do you like me now?
          How do you like me now?
          How do you like me now?

      69. I wonder the blow back (if any) that would ensue if this was reported in the MSM….??

      70. What to expect when you chi-coms and other assholes enter Montana.


        When you get pushed to the limit, and you and your communist allies enter the US, you chi-coms,. Russian, jihadist. Rambo’s from all over will be ready for you all. This gun battle is constant reminder of what can and will happen if things take a turn in the wrong direction.

        Good luck when you all get to Montana.


      71. The silent majority. MUZZLE REPORTS, NOT SO MUCH! Nobody wants to go there… especially them.

      72. stupidity knows no bounds. Her African people captured and sold her own people to Arab slavers. If she wants reparation get it from them. Indians were hunter/gatherers. White colonists established the United States of America fighting the Revolutionary War. Colonist are not immigrants. Immigrants come to an already established society. Colonists build – immigrants take advantage of what has been built. I’m sick and tired of whiney people who don’t know what they are talking about and don’t have the gumption to get up off their rears, get an education and work. All they want is a handout (welfare)from those who have (we pay taxes for their welfare benefits) and think it is their right. No black alive today has been a slave. When they have suffered under slavery, then they can complain.

        • Not only that-the Arabs were the last to give up slavery in the late 1960s.

      73. Whoever she is, if she is part of an organization I would bet it is soon to be penetrated if it isn’t already so. It is so laughably easy for the intel agencies to do it is done routinely. For instance it is a conjecture of mine – one that I am quite confident about – that the “radical Muslim” Congressman from Minnesota Ellison is probably an FBI plant.He is just too good to be true: good looking, a former Catholic ( they never become really “former” and are usually very patriotic ) and extremely well-placed to gather intel about domestic and foreign subversives.
        For every demonstration of 100 or more I figure at least 10 new faces are added to the biometric database via hidden cameras.

      74. Slavery was regarded in much the same respect as a halfway house to civilized life. Otherwise, early explorers, on most every continent, reported that primitives were prone to self-extinction.

      75. The chews were the kings of the slave trade. Spell the word correctly and go to David Duke’s web site or YouTube.

        The chews make movies. Have you heard of Steven Spielberg? He makes movies covering up for his people, the chews. And then Spielberg does what all chew people do, they blame their arch enemy Christian white people. This results in black misplaced anger, and white self loathing, and a feeling of even more sympathy toward blacks when blacks out out or even when blacks attack them.

        It is in the nature of white people to be kind, empathetic, and fair or just. This is in sharp contrast to the chew who is self important, cruel, and sadistic. Just as there are tendencies in certain breeds of animals to display certain behaviors; genetic variations cause certain “breeds” or groups (races, nationalities, ethnicities) to behave this way or that way, with exceptions now and again.



      76. I hope they try. Snowflakes melt.

      77. Perhaps the President should issue an executive order to deport these unhappy criminal and communist negroes back to Africa via

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