WW3 Approaches: Israel Bombs Hezbollah Headquarters

by | Oct 7, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments

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    Israel has attacked a Hezbollah “intelligent headquarters” as well as some command centers. This news comes not long after reports surfaced of the United States actively bombing sites in Yemen.

    U.S. Has Launched Strikes Against Yemen

    Jets struck the pro-Palestinian armed group’s “intelligence headquarters” as well as command centers and “additional terrorist infrastructure sites,” the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said in a statement early on Monday.

    According to the Lebanese Health Ministry, at least 11 people were killed and 17 others injured by Israeli strikes on Sunday.

    The strikes also targeted Hezbollah sites in southern Lebanon and the Beqaa area, destroying a weapons storage and command center, the IDF added according to a report by RT. In a separate statement, the army said Israeli troops were continuing cross-border operations against Hezbollah and carried out raids in the Jabaliya area of Gaza.

    Hezbollah, meanwhile, continued firing rockets into northern Israel, with projectiles detected over Haifa and the Upper Galilee area on Saturday. Videos from Haifa show a crater and debris from falling rockets.

    ABC News reported that over 1000 people have been killed in the past two weeks in bombings on Lebanon.

    The New York Times reported that Israel has broadened that attacks on the anniversary of the Hamas terrorist attack that started the war on October 7th of last year.

    Israel has been said to be “weighing its options” in the wake of last week’s attack coming from Iran.

    Israel Is Planning A “MASSIVE RETALITATION” Against Iran

    Israel and its Western allies have often said that the attacks on it by terrorist groups will not be tolerated and met with retaliation. The terrorist groups have made similar comments, even while much of their response has been lackluster and stopped by Israel.

    It’s still difficult to say just when this will pop off and become World War III, but the chances continue to grow as the war expands to include multiple ruling classes and terrorist groups.

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