WWIII Inches Closer: Israeli Embassy Buildings Targeted In Denmark & Sweden

by | Oct 8, 2024 | Headline News, War | 0 comments

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    The war between Israel and Hamas is slowly going global. We are inching toward World War III as Israeli embassy buildings in Sweden and Denmark are being targeted.

    Israeli embassies in Europe are being targeted by “activists” and “potential terrorists” as Tel Aviv draws international criticism for its invasion of southern Lebanon. In Denmark’s capital Copenhagen, on Wednesday, October 2nd, Danish police opened an investigation after two explosions hit the Israeli embassy, according to a report by The Guardian. 

    “Two explosions occurred at 3:20 a.m. at the Israeli embassy. It is our preliminary assessment that it was due to two hand grenades,” said Jens Jespersen, a spokesperson for the Danish Police in Copenhagen, at a press conference, according to a report by Natural News. 

    No injuries were reported from the suspected grenade blasts, but a building around 100 meters from the embassy sustained light damage. Jespersen added that three individuals from Sweden, aged between 15 and 20, had been arrested and are the police’s primary suspects.

    No motives for these attacks have been reported, and another Danish Police spokesperson clarified that it still has not been determined if the Israeli embassy was the target of the grenade blasts or if the explosion is not related to current events involving Israel.

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    These may seem like fairly minor aggressions, but the attacks are spreading and becoming much more of a global concern.

    In Sweden, the Swedish Police Authority reported that it was opening an investigation after receiving reports that the Israeli embassy building in the capital of Stockholm had been hit by shots on the evening of Tuesday, October 1st. “We’ve made finds that indicate a shooting at Israel’s embassy, but we don’t want to disclose exactly what finds have been made since there is an ongoing investigation,” reported Stockholm police press officer Rebecca Landberg. She added that the investigation could charge suspects with aggravation weapons offenses, endangerment of others, and unlawful threats.

    Now that the United States is getting more heavily involved with military actions, this is getting ready to explode.

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