Ukrainian ruler Volodymyr Zelensky declared his secretive “victory plan” as ready and complete on Wednesday in a video address. Moscow has dismissed Kyiv’s plan as incapable of altering the course of the conflict.
The details of this Ukrainian roadmap for defeating Russia remain murky, but Zelensky has been giving regular updates on its progress, according to a report by RT. On Monday, he said it was more than 90% ready, while he now describes it as “fully prepared,” adding that “the most important thing is the determination to implement it.”
Russia responded to Ukraine’s plan as well.
”We have heard such statements from the representatives of the Kiev regime many times. We realize what the nature of this regime is. We will continue our special military operation and realize all our goals,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov was quoted as saying.
Zelensky intends to travel to the United States soon to brief the two Americans who are currently seeking the throne of power and want the authority to rule. This trip could happen as soon as next week, as Zelensky intends to make his plan known to current U.S. ruler Joe Biden and the nominees for head tyrant of the country, Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump.
Ukraine’s ruler also still seeks permission to use Western-supplied long-range missiles to strike deep into Russian territory; a red line that Moscow says if crossed, will be met with retaliation. Permission could come soon.
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However, officials in Washington are already aware of what Zelensky will be bringing to the table, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield has indicated. ”We have seen President Zelensky’s peace plan,” she told journalists on Tuesday, before expressing confidence that it “can work.”
Rulers expect Zelensky to push for membership to NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), another one of Russia’s bold red lines. If Ukraine gets its way, Moscow has already said it will consider NATO as formerly entering the war and will respond accordingly.
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