Russia is now saying that Ukrainian ruler Vladimir Zelensky has chosen the path of war escalation when he ordered Kyiv’s forces to enter Russia’s Kursk Region. Moscow’s first deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, Dmitry Polyansky, told RIA Novosti news agency on Monday that Russian authorities “judge what the others do by their actions, not by their words. This means that he [Zelensky] clearly chose the path of escalation when he invaded Russia’s Kursk Region.”
“I think this was the best reply to everybody who hoped that the Ukrainian leadership was striving for peace,” he stressed. No ruling class ever will strive for peace. If they did, they would remove themselves from power and stop violently oppressing people.
On Sunday, Zelensky arrived in the United States, where he is planning to meet with U.S. President Joe Biden, members of Congress, and both presidential contenders – Kamala Harris and Donald Trump – to present them with his “peace plan,” which he recently renamed a “victory plan.” According to Zelensky, the scheme could end the conflict between Moscow and Kiev by the end of this year if the West makes “quick decisions” on increasing its support for Ukraine.
Moscow is currently “unaware” of the content of Zelensky’s “victory plan” and has not been invited to discuss it, Polyansky said.
Zelensky Claims A “Victory Plan” Is Ready
The Ukrainian military entered Kursk Region on August 6, in the largest attack on internationally recognized Russian territory since the outbreak of the hostilities between Moscow and Kiev in February 2022. The Russian military quickly halted their advance and has reported the recapture of more than a dozen villages in the past few weeks. However, Kiev’s forces remain in control of part of the region, and the fighting continues. –RT
According to the latest data from Russia’s Defense Ministry, Ukraine has lost more than 16,000 troops and several hundred units of military equipment, including 126 tanks and 95 armored personnel carriers, since the start of the incursion.
“It is hard for us to understand what is on the madman’s mind. We do not know what Zelensky is planning, and there is a lot of hype around him being here [in the US] and about what he will or will not offer,” Polyansky stressed according to a report by RT.
Speaking about the outcome of the conflict between Moscow and Kiev on Sunday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov reiterated that “there is no alternative to our [Russian] victory.”
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