Donald Trump Donated To Harris And The Clinton Foundation

by | Jul 22, 2024 | Member Exclusive | 4 comments

This is going to be a tough read for those still stuck in the left vs. right paradigm lie of statism. Donald Trump had previously donated to Kamala Harris' campaign, as well as helped fund the Clinton Foundation, founded by "rivals" Bill and Hillary Clinton.
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    1. Yeah. I voted for Carter. We all make mistakes and our motivations change over time.

      This is what I know: The people that hate Trump (and in the most violent and hateful way) are the people I see as “America Destroyers”. This is why I am MAGA. Everything is different now.

      There is no thin, dark dividing line in politics. It is a giant gray blotch. We navigate it as if we are blind, seeing only shapes and shadows on the way. Nothing is ever what you think and every vote is cast as a “best guess”. Vote your conscience and don’t worry about it.

    2. Trump admitted to this years ago.

    3. Yes, this is true and old news. But go back and look at the history of contributions from Trump. Prior to 2011 he gave pretty much to both sides of the aisle. But it was 2011 when he moved to contributing almost exclusively to Republicans. Guess 8 years of Obama woke him up.

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