REAL FREEDOM Has Never Existed in Our World

by | Aug 12, 2024 | Member Exclusive | 1 comment

Unfortunately, most people have no idea what freedom means. They can't define it, let alone live it. We are currently living under a type of slavery, and just because it isn't overt chattel slavery, doesn't make it moral.
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    1 Comment

    1. Freedom to me seams to be about courage. In order to be free we must fight against evil and stand up against fear. For those too afraid and lack conviction they shall fall short of freedom. And choose the life of servitude to a master who is stronger and more powerful than they are. In order to be free we must remove the shackels of society that has us chained down. And live unfraid of what other people think or feel about us. We are our own stumbling block. And other people just pile on their worries and troubles. Unable to lighten the load we will never be able to reach our destination.

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