The Federal Reserve Cut Interest Rates For The First Time In 4 YEARS

by | Sep 19, 2024 | Member Exclusive | 2 comments

The United States central bank, the Federal Reserve, kicked off an anticipated series of interest rate cuts on Wednesday. The cut was said to be a larger-than-usual half-percentage-point reduction that Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said was meant to show policymakers' commitment to sustaining a low unemployment rate now that inflation has eased.
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    1. If they judged inflation the way they did in Carter’s day it would be probably double digits!

    2. The Fed has confused economic theory with economic reality. It’s hard-to-understand grocery prices when your biggest food concern is the shortage of Beluga Caviar. I am 70 and probably will miss the worst to come but I suggest to you youngsters the 7 P’s. “Proper prior preparation prevents piss poor performance.” Dissolve the current system thru the unity of NEW like minds but retain your individuality. There are always going to be bossy people like J. Powell and cohorts from your HOA pres. to Kammel Toe. Get out of debt. Stash your assets. Keep your powder dry and lay low.

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