His Vision of a New World Order

He is pulling the strings and nations are dancing to his tune.

His contributions to democracy and human rights are nothing more than strategic moves to weaken his enemies from within, eroding their ability to resist his influence.

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A Strategic Ploy to Weaken and Destabilize

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    Breaking News

    Colorado Demands Dairies Test Milk Samples For Bird Flu As Mammal Spread Increases

    Colorado Demands Dairies Test Milk Samples For Bird Flu As Mammal Spread Increases

    On Monday, Colorado state veterinarian Dr. Maggie Baldwin issued an order that licensed dairies in the state must submit weekly samples of their milk to test for H5N1 bird flu, also known as highly pathogenic avian influenza. If a dairy’s sample comes back positive, the Colorado Department of Agriculture will order the facility to quarantine its cattle.

    Is Elevating Kamala Harris To The Presidency The Next Stage In Their Plan?

    Is Elevating Kamala Harris To The Presidency The Next Stage In Their Plan?

    Ever since Joe Biden dropped out of the race, prominent Republicans have been relentlessly calling for him to resign.  They argue that if Biden is unfit to run, he is also unfit to serve.  It is hard to argue with that.  But getting Biden to resign would essentially be the equivalent of throwing Brer Rabbit into the briar patch.  Elevating Kamala Harris to the presidency is not going to help Republicans win in November.  In fact, it would almost certainly help Harris and the Democrats.

    3 Major Bombshells Just Dropped That Everybody Should Be Talking About Right Now

    3 Major Bombshells Just Dropped That Everybody Should Be Talking About Right Now

    The past couple of weeks have truly been historic.  Take a moment and just consider some of the major events that we have witnessed.  Donald Trump got shot, Joe Biden dropped out of the race for president, and Kamala Harris quickly became the new presumptive nominee.  It is hard to remember a time when so much has happened in such a short period of time.  Now more bombshells have dropped, but because so much else is going on they are not getting the attention that they deserve.  The following are 3 major bombshells that everybody should be talking about right now…

    Sen. Johnson Now Openly Questioning The “Lone Gunman” Claim Pushed by the Secret Service and FBI

    Trump Shooter Climbed Up Building With a LADDER & RIFLE While Snipers Were Stationed Inside

    Shortly after the failed assassination attempt on former President Trump at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, there were a lot of questions about how the gunman managed to get on the roof of what was presumably an event with the highest level of security imaginable. However, as we learn more about what went down that day, it is becoming even more incredulous that this could happen. It now appears that the shooter actually carried a ladder to the building and climbed up it with his rifle without being stopped.

    Could It Be Possible That This Was Their Plan All Along?

    Could It Be Possible That This Was Their Plan All Along?

    More than anything else, the elite want a president that is easy to control.  That is why they love Joe Biden and that is why they hate Donald Trump.  It all comes down to control.  No matter what happens, the elite want to feel confident that whoever is in the White House is going to be a team player. 

    Hezbollah Is Prepared For War With Israel

    Hezbollah Is Prepared For War With Israel

    Hezbollah is prepared for a war with Israel. Since October 8th, when Hezbollah first fired rockets into Israel in solidarity with Palestinians following the Hamas attacks, the two sides have exchanged nearly 5,000 strikes.

    Another Poultry Worker In Colorado Contracts Bird Flu

    Another Poultry Worker In Colorado Contracts Bird Flu

    The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) reported that another poultry worker responsible for culling birds over avian influenza has tested positive for H5N1 bird flu in preliminary tests. This worker was employed at a separate large layer farm and the illness raised the total number of cases to seven.

    Russia Continues Advancing In Ukraine and Donbas

    Russia Continues Advancing In Ukraine and Donbas

    Russia’s troops have continued to advance into Ukraine and Donbas, while the West is hypnotized by the current election theatre. Russian forces have also liberated the town of Rozovka in the Lugansk People’s Republic and captured Pestchanoye Nizhneye in Ukraine’s Kharkiv Region, the defense ministry in Moscow reported on Sunday.