His Vision of a New World Order

He is pulling the strings and nations are dancing to his tune.

His contributions to democracy and human rights are nothing more than strategic moves to weaken his enemies from within, eroding their ability to resist his influence.

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A Strategic Ploy to Weaken and Destabilize

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    Breaking News

    H5N1 Bird Flu Infects 2 Children In Cambodia

    H5N1 Bird Flu Infects 2 Children In Cambodia

    The H5N1 bird flu has infected two more humans, and this time, they are both children who live in Cambodia. This raises the country’s total for the year to seven cases, according to health ministry statements translated and posted by Avian Flu Diary, an infectious disease news blog.

    Chemtrails Are Part Of The Depopulation Agenda

    Chemtrails Are Part Of The Depopulation Agenda

    What are they spraying into the sky? Who’s doing it? Why are they doing it, what are their motives?  And what can we do to put an end to this?

    These are questions Richard Vobes put to two pilots last week who have been conducting in-depth research into chemtrails.  To protect their anonymity, the two pilots were named Eves and Russ for the interview.

    During The “International Bird Flu Summit” In D.C., They Will Discuss “Mass Fatality Management Planning”

    During The “International Bird Flu Summit” In D.C., They Will Discuss “Mass Fatality Management Planning”

    We are being told that it is just a matter of time before there is a bird flu pandemic among humans.  We are also being told that the death rate during such a pandemic could be “somewhere between 25 and 50 percent”, and that should deeply alarm all of us.  We have already seen the intense fear that a pandemic with a death rate of far less than 1 percent can cause.  Can you imagine what a pandemic with a death rate of “somewhere between 25 and 50 percent” would look like?

    It’s All MMT: The Fraud of “Monetary Policy”

    It’s All MMT: The Fraud of “Monetary Policy”

    Modern monetary theory (MMT) is not convincing to most trained economists of various schools of thought. This causes many to balk at MMT and mock it, some of which is warranted as a reductio ad absurdum, especially given some of MMT’s more outlandish claims. In fact, my own thesis was an Austrian critique of MMT.

    U.S. Heat Waves Break Records

    U.S. Heat Waves Break Records

    A long-running heat wave that has already shattered previous records across the United States continues to persist. On Sunday, the heat was baking parts of the West with dangerous temperatures that caused the death of a motorcyclist in Death Valley and held the East in its hot and humid grip.

    Germany Reports H7N5 Bird Flu Outbreak

    Germany Reports H7N5 Bird Flu Outbreak

    Germany has reported a rare H7N5 avian influenza outbreak near the Dutch border. The outbreak of highly pathogenic H7N5 bird flu (HPAI) on a farm in the western part of the country, near the border with the Netherlands, the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) said on Thursday.

    War and Inflation

    War and Inflation

    The US central bank, called the Federal Reserve, was created in 1913. No one promoted this institution with the slogan that it would make wars more likely and guarantee that nearly half a million Americans would die in battle in foreign lands, along with millions of foreign soldiers and civilians.

    Network Warfare: Never Before Have The Warmongers of the Past Had the Entire World Potentially at Their Mercy

    NATO’S Agenda Is WAR, Says Hungarian Ruler

    Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has effectively made warmongering its official agenda by intentionally eliminating its original “peaceful” and “defensive” nature. But the United States, a member of NATO, has been anything but peaceful during its existence.