His Vision of a New World Order

He is pulling the strings and nations are dancing to his tune.

His contributions to democracy and human rights are nothing more than strategic moves to weaken his enemies from within, eroding their ability to resist his influence.

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A Strategic Ploy to Weaken and Destabilize

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    Breaking News

    The Best Thing Governments Can Do for Business Is Get Out of the Way

    The “ease of doing business” ranking is a list of countries ranked according to how easy it is to register, start, and maintain a business in that country. While its methodology is not perfect, it does attempt to take into account several important factors such as cost and time to start a business, property registrations, tax burdens, and the enforcement of contracts. It should be no surprise that the countries that hover around the top of these rankings are some of the most prosperous in the world.

    Russia: The West Is “Waging A War Without Rules”

    Russia: The West Is “Waging A War Without Rules”

    Russia’s former president and current deputy chair of the Russian Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev has said that the West is “waging a war without rules.” He added that Russia will demand compensation and retaliate appropriately for damages done by the sanctions imposed upon it.

    Robert Redfield Says Bird Flu Pandemic WILL HAPPEN

    Robert Redfield Says Bird Flu Pandemic WILL HAPPEN

    The former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that a bird flu pandemic will happen; it is a matter of when not if. “I really do think it’s very likely that we will, at some time, it’s not a question of if, it’s more of a question of when we will have a bird flu pandemic,” Redfield said.

    Pentagon To Force Women To Kill For The Ruling Class

    Pentagon To Force Women To Kill For The Ruling Class

    The ruling class is gearing up for a major war, as it just authorized the mandatory military draft of women in the United States. The FY 2025 National Defense Authorization Act initiates conscription, which is the most abject and obvious version of slavery on the planet. If you still believe you are free, it’s time to really sit and think about who owns you at this point.

    In The Old Days We Had “Slumlords”, But In 2024 We Have “Vanlords”

    In The Old Days We Had “Slumlords”, But In 2024 We Have “Vanlords”

    If you live in a major city, you can see them all around you. I am talking about aging vans, RVs and trailers that are parked on the side of the road for months at a time and that obviously have people living in them. There is an entire class of people that live in such conditions, and there is an entire class of “businessmen” that prey on such people. When I was growing up, there were lots of headlines about “slumlords” that were taking advantage of the poor.

    Russia: U.S. Dollar Is Becoming “Toxic”

    Russia: U.S. Dollar Is Becoming “Toxic”

    The United States government announced a new batch of sanctions against Russia on Wednesday, targeting the energy, metals, and mining industries, as well as the Moscow Stock Exchange and major lenders Sber and VTB. These sanctions have already angered Russia and caused tensions to rise even further, as Moscow deems the U.S. dollar “toxic.”

    New Report: Massive Scale of Green Billionaire Funding of ‘Climate Emergency’ Reporting in Mainstream Media

    New Report: Massive Scale of Green Billionaire Funding of ‘Climate Emergency’ Reporting in Mainstream Media

    A massive global grooming program aimed at mostly mainstream media involving climate catastrophism and Net Zero promotion is detailed in a recently published report from the green billionaire-funded Internews’s Earth Journalism Network (EJN). The work is a shocking insight into the corruption of independent, investigative journalism.

    Dr. Francis Boyle: COVID Injections Meet The Criteria For Biological Weapons Of Mass Destruction

    Dr. Francis Boyle: COVID Injections Meet The Criteria For Biological Weapons Of Mass Destruction

    Last week, the Ninth Circuit Federal Court of Appeals agreed that mandating COVID-19 “vaccines” violates the individual human rights of teachers and other staff of Los Angeles School Unified Districts (“LAUSD”), remanding a lower court’s dismissal of their case against the LA County School District’s vaccine mandate for employees.

    Enormous Mobs Are Literally Taking Over The Streets Of Major U.S. Cities On A Nightly Basis

    Enormous Mobs Are Literally Taking Over The Streets Of Major U.S. Cities On A Nightly Basis

    Every night, huge groups of young people are literally taking over streets in large cities all over America.  In many cases, major intersections are completely blocked off for stunts and dangerous competitions involving vehicles.  These events are called “street takeovers”, and they are often accompanied by theft, violence, and other acts of crime.  You have probably heard of “street takeovers” happening in big metropolitan areas such as Los Angeles, Seattle, New York, and Chicago, but at this point they are even happening in many rural areas.

    There Are Only Downsides to Prolonging the War in Ukraine

    There Are Only Downsides to Prolonging the War in Ukraine

    Last week, President Joe Biden and a number of top American and European officials met in Normandy to attend a ceremony marking the eightieth anniversary of the D-day invasion. In a pair of speeches, Biden recounted the operation that he said marked the beginning of the “great crusade to liberate Europe from tyranny” before drawing a direct connection to where things stand with the war in Ukraine.

    Robert Redfield Says Bird Flu Pandemic WILL HAPPEN

    Virus “Expert” Says It’s A Very “High Likelihood” Of Bird Flu Spreading Amongst Humans

    Be ready for anything. A virus “expert” is now saying that there is a very “high likelihood” that the bird flu virus spreading among dairy cows will spread among humans too. Once this happens, we will be in another plandemic era, only this time, the mRNA “vaccines” are already ready.

    What Causes Stagflation?

    What Causes Stagflation?

    In the late 1960s, Edmund Phelps and Milton Friedman challenged the popular view that there can be a sustainable trade-off between inflation and unemployment. In fact, over time, according to PF, loose central bank policies set the platform for lower economic growth and a higher rate of inflation, or stagflation.