His Vision of a New World Order

He is pulling the strings and nations are dancing to his tune.

His contributions to democracy and human rights are nothing more than strategic moves to weaken his enemies from within, eroding their ability to resist his influence.

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A Strategic Ploy to Weaken and Destabilize

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    Breaking News

    Dr. Clare Craig: It’s Clear The COVID Vaccines Are Unsafe

    Dr. Clare Craig: It’s Clear The COVID Vaccines Are Unsafe

    Dr. Clare Craig gave her testimony to the UK People’s Vaccine Inquiry.  She testified that the COVID injections were both unsafe and ineffective.  Reviewing data from Pfizer’s trial, the ONS, ambulance callouts, and long-term sickness she demonstrated that to use the word “safe” to describe COVID vaccines is a lie.

    The Achilles Heel of the Fiat Money System

    The Achilles Heel of the Fiat Money System

    The fiat money system will not disappear just like that. Any expectations or hopes to that end should be tempered. Yes, the fiat money system could collapse; yet there is a significant likelihood it will persist longer than most people might think. This prolonged existence may come at a cost: a fascist state encroachment on the freedoms of citizens and entrepreneurs would be more profound than most people realize.

    Ukraine Claims First-Ever Fighter Jet Strike On Russian Territory

    Ukraine Claims First-Ever Fighter Jet Strike On Russian Territory

    Ukraine is touting that it has launched a successful airstrike by fighter jet inside Russian territory, Sky News is reporting, which is a significant first of the conflict. An unidentified Ukrainian military source described to the UK outlet that an air-launched missile strike was conducted inside Russia’s Belgorod region Sunday, hitting a “Russian command node”. 

    Russia: “We Can Shoot Down Anyone, Anywhere”

    Russia: “We Can Shoot Down Anyone, Anywhere”

    In a statement to RIA Novosti published on Monday,  the chairman of the Russian State Duma Defense Committee, Andrey Kartapolov, clarified that if the F-16s “are not used for their intended purpose” or are simply held in storage at foreign airbases with the intent to transfer them to Ukraine, Russia will target them. F-16 fighter jets and any airfields they are based at will be legitimate targets for the Russian military if they participate in combat missions against Moscow’s forces.

    $490 Million Given To Ukraine Has Been Embezzled Or Stolen

    $490 Million Given To Ukraine Has Been Embezzled Or Stolen

    According to politician Mikhail Bondar, Criminal proceedings are underway in Ukraine in relation to dozens of cases of alleged embezzlement and theft of funds earmarked for the military. Nearly $500 million given to Kiev for the construction of “defensive fortifications” to repel Russia’s advance has been embezzled or stolen, media reported on Sunday, citing Bondar.

    The U.S. Conducts “Routine” Nuclear Missile Tests

    The U.S. Conducts “Routine” Nuclear Missile Tests

    The United States ruling class has conducted “routine” nuclear missile tests. The American military has announced it carried out two tests of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) over the past three days, while claiming the tests are “routine,” and have nothing to do with the rising war tensions.

    Finland Will Offer Bird Flu “Vaccine” To Some People

    New COVID “Vaccine” Will Target A Virus No One Is Concerned About Anymore

    The big pharmaceutical companies are crafting yet another “vaccine” for COVID-19 that should be ready this fall. It will target the JN.1 mutation, even though no one is concerned about this hoax plandemic anymore. That isn’t going to stop the ruling class from seeing how many more naive humans will willingly roll up their sleeves to be injected with yet another booster. 

    A Mexican Man Has Died Of Bird Flu

    A Mexican Man Has Died Of Bird Flu

    Health authorities claim that a man in Mexico has died from a type of bird flu called H5N2 that has never before been found in a human being. Right now, the bird flu strain circulating in cattle in the United States is getting the most attention, and we know that as...

    Little By Little, The Economy Has Declined To A Point Where Almost Everyone Is Struggling

    Little By Little, The Economy Has Declined To A Point Where Almost Everyone Is Struggling

    It happened so gradually that a lot of people didn’t even realize what was happening.  The cost of living just kept rising faster than paychecks were, and little by little our standard of living just kept going down.  Now we have reached a stage where the ultra-wealthy are thriving but almost everyone else is struggling.