His Vision of a New World Order

He is pulling the strings and nations are dancing to his tune.

His contributions to democracy and human rights are nothing more than strategic moves to weaken his enemies from within, eroding their ability to resist his influence.

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A Strategic Ploy to Weaken and Destabilize

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    Breaking News

    If Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi Is Dead, That Could Push The Middle East To The Brink Of All-Out War

    If Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi Is Dead, That Could Push The Middle East To The Brink Of All-Out War

    Did we just witness a moment that will permanently alter history?  As I write this article, the entire world is waiting for confirmation that Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi is either dead or alive.  If it turns out that he is dead, that will be really bad news, because that could push the Middle East to the brink of all-out war. 

    Fauci Exposed: Wuhan, Vaccines, and Misinformation

    Fauci Exposed: Wuhan, Vaccines, and Misinformation

    Dr. Anthony Fauci has been a central figure in American public health for decades, culminating in his role as a key advisor during the COVID-19 pandemic. As the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984, Fauci has overseen numerous public health crises, from HIV/AIDS to Ebola. However, his involvement in the COVID-19 pandemic has been the most contentious period of his career, with significant public debate and controversy surrounding his actions and statements. Some critics have gone so far as to suggest that Fauci should be prosecuted and jailed for his role in the pandemic.

    Gen. Mark Milley Defends Israel’s Genocide By Admitting That U.S. Military Has Also Committed Genocide

    Gen. Mark Milley Defends Israel’s Genocide By Admitting That U.S. Military Has Also Committed Genocide

    At the recent Ash Carter Exchange on Innovation and National Security gathering in Washington, D.C., a speaking panel talked about Israel’s genocide in Gaza. One of the panel’s members, retired United States Army Gen. Mark Milley tried to defend Israel’s actions by admitting that the U.S. military is just as guilty as Israel of murdering large numbers of innocent people “who had nothing to do with their government.”

    Rampant Poverty & Homelessness Fueling Theft & Violence In Major U.S. Cities

    Rampant Poverty & Homelessness Fueling Theft & Violence In Major U.S. Cities

    The tremendous chaos that is gripping communities all over this country did not emerge out of a vacuum.  For years, poverty and homelessness have been on the rise.  According to a recent report from Harvard University, the number of homeless Americans has increased by almost 50 percent in less than a decade.  Meanwhile, the ranks of the poor have been growing as the middle class has been eroding. 

    CDC Claims To Be Monitoring Bird Flu Cases Across The U.S.

    CDC Claims To Be Monitoring Bird Flu Cases Across The U.S.

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there have been more than 90 million poultry impacted by bird flu, also known as H5N1, as well as 46 herds of dairy cows, as of Tuesday. The CDC further claims that it has been monitoring bird flu cases all over the United States.

    Out Of Control Inflation: It Now Takes At Least $177,798 For A Family Of 4 To Live Comfortably In The U.S.

    Out Of Control Inflation: It Now Takes At Least $177,798 For A Family Of 4 To Live Comfortably In The U.S.

    I never imagined that we would ever see a time when it takes $177,798 for a family of four to live comfortably in the United States.  Unfortunately, that day has arrived.  Our leaders have been pursuing highly inflationary policies for many years, and now we have reached a point where inflation is wildly out of control.  In fact, the latest wholesale inflation figure that was released on Tuesday came in much higher than expected.  Sadly, this is just the beginning and we are in far more trouble than most people realize.

    Pfizer Employees Got Different COVID Jabs Than The Rest Of The Slave Class

    Pfizer Employees Got Different COVID Jabs Than The Rest Of The Slave Class

    A Pfizer whistleblower has leaked a company email explicitly stating that the COVID-19 vaccines given to Pfizer employees were “separate and distinct” from the COVID-19 vaccines offered to the general public, or the slave class. The email, dated January 8, 2021, addresses Pfizer employees and contractors at Pfizer’s Pearl River research site in Rockland County, New York.

    What Is Causing This? “Demographic Winter Is Coming” As Fertility Rates Plummet All Over The Globe

    What Is Causing This? “Demographic Winter Is Coming” As Fertility Rates Plummet All Over The Globe

    Fertility rates have fallen way below replacement level throughout the entire industrialized world, and this is starting to cause major problems all over the globe.  Aging populations are counting on younger generations to take care of them as they get older, but younger generations are not nearly large enough to accomplish that task.  Meanwhile, there aren’t enough qualified young workers in many fields to replace the expertise of older workers who are now retiring.