His Vision of a New World Order

He is pulling the strings and nations are dancing to his tune.

His contributions to democracy and human rights are nothing more than strategic moves to weaken his enemies from within, eroding their ability to resist his influence.

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    Breaking News

    This Is Why Many People Will Consider The Great American Eclipse Of 2024 On April 8th To Be A Big “Dud”

    This Is Why Many People Will Consider The Great American Eclipse Of 2024 On April 8th To Be A Big “Dud”

    We are about to witness the most dramatic astronomical event in the entire history of the United States.  The Great American Eclipse of 2024 will be the last total solar eclipse in the continental United States until 2044, and it is being projected that it will be personally viewed by more people than any other eclipse in North America ever has been.  Literally, millions of people are expected to travel into the path of the totality on April 8th, and one expert is warning that this will be like “50 simultaneous Super Bowls across the nation”…

    Death Of The U.S. Empire Is Inevitable

    Death Of The U.S. Empire Is Inevitable

    The total and complete collapse of the United States empire is inevitable. It will fall under the weight of its own military-industrial complex and overtly totalitarian control regime. The U.S. ruling class is showing no desire to try to “fix” the financial destruction that is well underway.

    We Are Just One Step Away From An Apocalyptic War In The Middle East

    We Are Just One Step Away From An Apocalyptic War In The Middle East

    Did you see what just happened in Damascus?  In an absolutely stunning move, Israel took out the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps.  Needless to say, the Iranians are absolutely furious and they are promising a “harsh” response.  For a long time, I have been warning my readers that an apocalyptic war in the Middle East will be one of the conflicts that define World War III. 

    Iran Threatens To Avenge Assassinated Generals

    Iran Threatens To Avenge Assassinated Generals

    The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) confirmed that seven officers, including brigadier generals Mohammad Reza Zahedi and Mohammad Hadi Haji Rahimi, were killed in the airstrike on the Iranian consulate building in Damascus on Monday. Iran has already vowed that it will take “countermeasures” against the United States and Israel over the recent deadly airstrike in Syria.

    Baltimore Bridge Collapse Has East Coast Ports On Alert For Cargo Diversions

    Baltimore Bridge Collapse Has East Coast Ports On Alert For Cargo Diversions

    US Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg told CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday that there is no timeline on when salvage crews in Baltimore, Maryland, will clear the critical shipping channel blocked by the wreckage of the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge. He said it’s important “to our national supply chains to get that port back up and running as quickly as possible.”

    Russian & Turkish Intelligence Find “Substantiated Evidence” Linking Ukrainian Nationals To Terrorist Attack

    Russian & Turkish Intelligence Find “Substantiated Evidence” Linking Ukrainian Nationals To Terrorist Attack

    U.S. and NATO leaders continue to ship weapons and ammunition into Ukraine, including anti-tank and air defense systems, drones, tanks, and fighter jets. This is a conflict that could have been ended before it ever escalated. Instead, the stakes continue to rise, as cocky, incompetent leaders from the West continue to provoke Russia into nuclear war while emboldening neo-Nazis and Ukrainian nationals into further depths of war and terrorist attacks.

    Israel Approves A “Plan” To Attack Rafah in Gaza

    Israel Approves A “Plan” To Attack Rafah in Gaza

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has approved an “operational plan” to attack Rafah in Gaza. Netanyahu says that the plan that he’s already approved includes a renewed push into southern Gaza. He also claimed that the Israeli military was prepared for “the evacuation of the civilian population and for the provision of humanitarian assistance.”

    Trump Backs-Up the Truck on GOLD

    Trump Backs-Up the Truck on GOLD

    Do you need Donald Trump to tell you to do it? Would it make the task easier, if Biden were to suggest it, or Warren Buffett or Ray Dalio, or can you, out of your respect for your own cognitive abilities and killer instinct, make the move?

    Member Of The Ruling Class Suggests A “Hiroshima And Nagasaki” Solution In Ukraine And Gaza

    Member Of The Ruling Class Suggests A “Hiroshima And Nagasaki” Solution In Ukraine And Gaza

    A member of the United States ruling class has suggested a “Hiroshima and Nagasaki” solution to the wars in Gaza and Ukraine. Michigan congressman Tim Walberg insists his “metaphor” was distorted and taken out of context after saying he believes the rulers should not waste money on humanitarian aid for civilians in Gaza or Ukraine, and instead focus on supporting Israel and Kyiv’s war efforts, to achieve “quick” victories.

    8 Extremely Unusual Events That Will Happen During The Month Of April

    8 Extremely Unusual Events That Will Happen During The Month Of April

    When is the last time that there was so much buzz about one month?  As we enter April, there is so much anticipation in the air, and it isn’t just because of the Great American Eclipse on April 8th.  In recent days, I have heard from so many people that feel like something really big is about to happen. 

    Russia Accuses France Of Getting Ready To Deploy Troops To Ukraine

    Russia Accuses France Of Getting Ready To Deploy Troops To Ukraine

    Sergey Naryshkin, who is the director of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service, has revealed that the Kremlin has alleged “intelligence” indicating that France is preparing to deploy a military contingent of 2,000 troops to Ukraine.  This news comes on the heels of French President Emmanuel Macron’s comments that Western backers of Ukraine should put boots on the ground.