His Vision of a New World Order

He is pulling the strings and nations are dancing to his tune.

His contributions to democracy and human rights are nothing more than strategic moves to weaken his enemies from within, eroding their ability to resist his influence.

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    Breaking News

    Elitists Demonize Farming While Investing In Fake Food

    Elitists Demonize Farming While Investing In Fake Food

    The ruling class and elitists of the planet have been demonizing farming while investing heavily in the fake food industry. Already, most of the grocery stores in the United States are full of food-like products that erode the health of human beings, but it doesn’t seem like the sociopaths who wield power will stop until we are all sick from what we eat.

    The “Blood Moon Purim Eclipse” Of March 25th Will Happen As “The Devil Comet” Becomes Visible

    The “Blood Moon Purim Eclipse” Of March 25th Will Happen As “The Devil Comet” Becomes Visible

    During the next couple of months, so many amazing things are going to be happening in the heavens.  For example, during the Great American Eclipse of 2024 on April 8th, the sun, the moon, and the seven other planets in our solar system will all line up in the sky.  It is almost as if the entire solar system will be screaming that this is a once-in-a-lifetime event.  But before we get to April 8th, there will be some other absolutely incredible things happening in the skies above our heads.  On March 25th, we will witness a penumbral lunar eclipse.  The following comes from Wikipedia…

    Why is Moderna Expanding Manufacturing Capacity Despite Current Low Demand For Their “Poison?”

    Why is Moderna Expanding Manufacturing Capacity Despite Current Low Demand For Their “Poison?”

    Moderna is substantially expanding manufacturing capacity, despite low demand for their mRNA “poison.” according to Pharma and medical device research and development executive Sasha Latypova. In December 2022 the government announced that the UK had cemented a 10-year partnership with Moderna in a “major boost for vaccines and research” with a plan to build a “state-of-the-art vaccine manufacturing center with the ability to produce up to 250 million vaccines a year.”

    Netanyahu Reaffirms Decision To Launch An Offensive Against Rafah

    Netanyahu Reaffirms Decision To Launch An Offensive Against Rafah

    Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has reaffirmed his determination to launch an offensive in Rafah, defying international criticism, some of which is coming from allies. “If we stop the war now before achieving all of its goals, the meaning is that Israel had lost the war and we will not allow this,” Netanyahu told a meeting of his cabinet.

    What Would Happen If “Deepfakes” Upset The U.S. Elections? The “Experts” War-gamed it!

    What Would Happen If “Deepfakes” Upset The U.S. Elections? The “Experts” War-gamed it!

    Some “experts” in the United States war gamed a “deepfake” (s)election scenario, and unsurprisingly, things went ary rather quickly. Simulated scenarios were part of a recent exercise in New York that gathered dozens of former senior U.S. and state officials, civil society leaders, and executives from technology companies to rehearse for the 2024 election.

    Another $300 Million Will Go To Ukraine

    Another $300 Million Will Go To Ukraine

    The ruling class of the United States has magically found another $300 million to send to Ukraine. Since the beginning of the war between Ukraine and Moscow, Kiev has destroyed multiple Russian naval vessels with the help of Western weaponry.

    Banning TikTok Will Not Make Americans Safer

    Banning TikTok Will Not Make Americans Safer

    On Wednesday, the House is set to vote on a bill introduced by Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) that would ban or force the sale of the social video-sharing app TikTok. The bill is based on concerns that the Chinese Communist Party effectively controls ByteDance, the app’s parent company. Last Friday, President Joe Biden endorsed the legislation and promised to sign it into law if Congress passes it.

    Ukraine Bombed Diesel Tanks Near A Nuclear Plant In Russia

    Ukraine Bombed Diesel Tanks Near A Nuclear Plant In Russia

    Ukrainian forces have dropped a bomb near diesel tanks located at Russia’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, management at the facility reported on Thursday. The blast occurred near tanks containing diesel for backup generators at the Zaporizhzhia facility, according to management.

    UN Claims Israel Targeted Journalists

    UN Claims Israel Targeted Journalists

    The United Nations said that an Israeli tank fired two shells at a group of international journalists clearly marked as such. This was a violation of international law, a UN investigation reportedly said. The deadly incident happened in Lebanon in mid-October.

    China Smothers Biden – War Drums INTENSIFY!

    China Smothers Biden – War Drums INTENSIFY!

    Ross Brawn is considered one of the most ingenious strategists and motorsport car designers in the history of Formula 1. When he joined the Benetton team in 1991, it wasn’t a contender, but with his skills, the team won back-to-back championships in 1994 and 1995 with Michael Schumacher as the driver.

    Dr. Vernon Coleman: Long COVID Is Just Another Fraud

    Dr. Vernon Coleman: Long COVID Is Just Another Fraud

    Dr. Vernon Colemans says that the so-called “long COVID” is just one more successful fraud in a long line of scams that were pulled on the public.  For more than 18 months, Dr. Coleman has been explaining why “long COVID” doesn’t exist and why those in power have created this fake disease.

    COVID Jabs Unleashed 12 Sigma Mass Death Event

    COVID Jabs Unleashed 12 Sigma Mass Death Event

    There is no more denying that Operation Warp Speed, the federal government’s fast-tracked Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine” unleashing scheme, was a premeditated genocide of the American people – so much so, in fact, that COVID jabs are now considered to be a 12-sigma event.