His Vision of a New World Order

He is pulling the strings and nations are dancing to his tune.

His contributions to democracy and human rights are nothing more than strategic moves to weaken his enemies from within, eroding their ability to resist his influence.

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A Strategic Ploy to Weaken and Destabilize

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    Breaking News

    Why Painting Without a License Could Soon Be Illegal in Minnesota

    Why Painting Without a License Could Soon Be Illegal in Minnesota

    Minnesota lawmakers are at best offering a “solution” to a problem that doesn’t exist. At worst, they are weaponizing the law to benefit special interests.

    For years, my daughter, who is 12, has asked to have a room in the basement. My wife finally relented, and the two of them recently gave a fresh paint job to what will be her new room on the lowest level.

    “We Will Have A Hard Landing At Some Point. I Guarantee You That.”

    “We Will Have A Hard Landing At Some Point. I Guarantee You That.”

    Can you guess who the quote in the article title is from?  I will give you a hint.  It wasn’t me.  I know that it sounds like it could have come from me, but it actually comes from a very big name on Wall Street.  Ellen Zentner is Morgan Stanley’s chief U.S. economist, and she is the one who said it.  During an interview with CNBC, she warned that “the tightening impacts from monetary policy” will have enormous consequences for the U.S. economy in the months ahead…

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    California Is Dumping Radioactive Waste Into The Pacific

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    Biden, Get Your S**T Together. We’re SUFFERING!

    Biden, Get Your S**T Together. We’re SUFFERING!

    When the most accurate A.I. tool for determining mistakes and their impact on human life on this planet will be asked who had the best hand dealt to him, only to ruin it in a way that is beyond recognition, the finger will point to William Jefferson Clinton, A.K.A Jeffrey Epstein’s buddy on the Lolita Express.

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