His Vision of a New World Order

He is pulling the strings and nations are dancing to his tune.

His contributions to democracy and human rights are nothing more than strategic moves to weaken his enemies from within, eroding their ability to resist his influence.

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A Strategic Ploy to Weaken and Destabilize

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    Breaking News

    Has The Banking Crisis Of 2024 Already Started?

    Has The Banking Crisis Of 2024 Already Started?

    We were warned that more banks would soon be getting into deep trouble.  In fact, just yesterday I told my readers to circle March 11th because that is when a very important Federal Reserve program that has been propping up our banks will be allowed to expire.  Unfortunately, we didn’t even have to wait for March 11th for the action to begin.  On Wednesday morning, shares of New York Community Bank were absolutely crashing.  Zero Hedge reported on the drama as it was unfolding…

    Trump Will Take Vengeance. KEEP CLEAR!

    Trump Will Take Vengeance. KEEP CLEAR!

    Sometimes (like right now) a country needs a good ass whooping. Because our Western democracies have given so much freedom to the average person, people that live in North America or western Europe forget that the other six billion people that reside under non-democratic governance can’t speak their mind freely or criticize the ruling bodies.

    What Is Prion Disease, And Is There An Epidemic?

    What Is Prion Disease, And Is There An Epidemic?

    Prion diseases are on the rise thanks in part to the mRNA (or messenger RNA) “vaccines.”  Certain researchers are also warning that chronic wasting disease or (CWD) which is a prion disease that affects deer, elk, reindeer, sika deer, and moose could jump to humans. 

    A U.S.-Supplied HIMARS System Destroyed By Russia In Donbass

    A U.S.-Supplied HIMARS System Destroyed By Russia In Donbass

    A Ukrainian HIMARS (high mobility artillery rocket system) a multiple rocket launcher, given to Kiev by the United States has been destroyed in Russia’s Donbass. The HIMARS rocket launcher is a flexible, affordable, and highly effective precision fire system designed to meet the demands of the modern battlefield.

    Soon There Will Be No Farms (It’s Part of ‘Their Terrifying Plan’)

    Soon There Will Be No Farms (It’s Part of ‘Their Terrifying Plan’)

    The innocent and the naïve believe that everything is happening by accident. Farmers around the world seem constantly bewildered and confused by policies and decisions that are designed to please the enthusiasts, calling for the closure of farms in order to appease the psychopaths calling for net zero. In an article in a British magazine (which, like others, seems to have fallen for the Green myths with all the mindless commitment of a teenager in love) one leading Green academic recently said ‘Farming has no option – it will have to be sustainable, otherwise it will not be sustained’ and there were doubtless many Green heads nodding though I confess I was merely left puzzled.

    Lassa Fever Outbreak Kills 13 in Benue State in Nigeria

    Lassa Fever Outbreak Kills 13 in Benue State in Nigeria

    The Benue State government on Tuesday announced that the death toll from the Lassa fever outbreak in nine local government areas of the state has risen to 13 amid efforts to stem the tide. The ongoing outbreak in Nigeria has prompted calls for public awareness as early detection of cases could improve the chances of survival of those who contract the virus.

    Houthi Rebels Strike A Swiss-Owned Container Ship

    Houthi Rebels Strike A Swiss-Owned Container Ship

    Iran-backed Houthi rebels have struck a Swiss-owned container ship in the Gulf of Aden. The war in the Red Sea is advancing quickly as the militants continue to attack cargo vessels, even after dozens of bombing raids by United States and United Kingdom fighter jets.

    Texas Wildfires Continue To Devastate Beef Supply

    Texas Wildfires Continue To Devastate Beef Supply

    The largest wildfire in Texas history has burned down approximately 500 structures and at least 1,700 square miles in the Texas Panhandle and neighboring areas. The Texas agricultural commissioner has estimated that 10,000 cattle have been killed in the fires. This is likely going to harm the beef supply for a few years, as ranchers try to rebuild. 

    Exposing Biden’s Failures: The Human Trafficking Crisis and Border Insecurity

    Exposing Biden’s Failures: The Human Trafficking Crisis and Border Insecurity

    As we confront the harrowing realities of human trafficking and border insecurity, it’s imperative to shed light on the neglect and failures of the Biden administration in addressing these pressing issues. While President Trump’s administration made significant strides in combatting trafficking and securing our borders, Biden’s policies have only exacerbated the crisis, leaving vulnerable individuals at the mercy of ruthless traffickers and criminal cartels.

    CBDCs Will Allow Police To Collect, Store Personal Data For Surveillance State, IMF Paper Reveals

    Central Bank Digital Currencies Are Dangerous and Unnecessary

    The main central banks have been deliberating on the concept of introducing a digital currency. However, many citizens fail to grasp the rationale behind it when the majority of transactions in major global currencies are carried out electronically. Nevertheless, a central bank digital currency is much more than electronic money. I will explain why.

    Never Go Full Weimar: America’s Monetary Base Has Grown 6 Times Larger Since 2008

    Never Go Full Weimar: America’s Monetary Base Has Grown 6 Times Larger Since 2008

    A lot of people have been waiting for a meltdown of America’s financial system, but the truth is that it is already in the process of melting down.  As you will see below, the size of the monetary base in the United States has gotten more than six times larger since 2008.  If we continue down this road, it won’t be too long before we start looking like Germany during the Weimar Republic.