His Vision of a New World Order

He is pulling the strings and nations are dancing to his tune.

His contributions to democracy and human rights are nothing more than strategic moves to weaken his enemies from within, eroding their ability to resist his influence.

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A Strategic Ploy to Weaken and Destabilize

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    Breaking News

    BREAKING NEWS America’s First 15-Minute City Has Been Created In Tempe, Arizona

    A Tempe, Arizona, neighborhood has been named “Culdesac” and is America’s first example of a 15-minute city, a vision of the World Economic Forum and the globalist cult, who are pitching the concept as being more environmentally friendly. Instead of seeing this development as a dystopian nightmare, Culdesac residents appear to be thrilled at their new way of life, do they have any idea what they have in store for them?

    How Likely Is A Bird Flu Plandemic?

    How Likely Is A Bird Flu Plandemic?

    News continues to surface of more mammals and bird species getting infected with and dying of avian influenza. With these seemingly scattered reports, how worried should we be about a bird flu plandemic?

    Ukraine’s Rulers Claim They Need “Nuclear Rockets”

    Ukraine’s Rulers Claim They Need “Nuclear Rockets”

    The rulers of the Ukraine are claiming that they need “nuclear rockets” to continue to take on Russia as the war keeps raging. The rulers are saying that unless Ukraine receives full NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) membership, the country will have no other choice but to develop or somehow obtain an arsenal of nuclear weapons, according to MP Aleksey Goncharenko.

    Chaos Erupts! We Are Witnessing Riots, Protests And Civil Unrest All Over The Western World In 2024

    Chaos Erupts! We Are Witnessing Riots, Protests And Civil Unrest All Over The Western World In 2024

    Order is breaking down all over the Western world as governments lose control of their populations.  Farmers have been holding angry protests throughout Europe, enormous groups of migrants have been rioting on a regular basis, looting has become a way of life in many communities in the United States, and now truckers are calling for a historic boycott of New York City.  We are witnessing very alarming explosions of anger and frustration all over the Western world right now, and there are no easy answers because most of us have lost faith in those who are governing us.

    The Federal Mega-Debt is Here to Stay

    The Federal Mega-Debt is Here to Stay

    US fiscal realities are well known. Total federal debt outstanding has now reached $34 trillion, up from $98 billion in 1981, $5.67 trillion in 2000, $13.56 trillion in 2010, and $26.95 trillion in 2020. And at 120 percent of the US economy’s productive capacity (gross domestic product), the federal debt matches that at the end of World War II.

    So… Putin Isn’t Dead! Tucker Carlson Proved It

    So… Putin Isn’t Dead! Tucker Carlson Proved It

    I have to hand it to Tucker Carlson because to go to the Kremlin, sit down with President Vladimir Putin, and get the interview out in a 2-hour format is no small achievement. Let’s dive into exactly what the main points of the session were. We will start with the first: Vladimir Putin looks, sounds, and acts much more alive than President Joe Biden does.

    War: U.S. Targets Iranian Warship With Cyberattacks

    War: U.S. Targets Iranian Warship With Cyberattacks

    The United States ruling class has decided to hit an Iranian warship with a cyber attack. The attack took place in the Red Sea over a week ago. The covert operation was intended to inhibit the ship’s ability to share intelligence with Houthi rebels who have been attacking cargo ships in the Red Sea.

    GDP is a Poor Measure of Economic Health

    GDP is a Poor Measure of Economic Health

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    U.S. To Investigate Israeli War Crimes

    U.S. To Investigate Israeli War Crimes

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    NATO Relies On U.S. To Fund Ukraine’s War With Russia

    NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) is counting on the United States to fund Ukraine’s war with Russia. The bloc’s chief, Jens Stoltenberg, says he expects the U.S. ruling class to appropriate additional funding for Ukraine to fight Russia, as Kiev has already suffered from insufficient military aid.

    Germany’s Top Security Queen Pushes Government Dragnet To Track ‘Right-Wing Extremist’ Financing

    Germany’s Top Security Queen Pushes Government Dragnet To Track ‘Right-Wing Extremist’ Financing

    With Europe’s open borders and ‘green globalism’ resulting in a massive wave of populism, Germany’s top security czar said on Tuesday that she aims to make it easier to track the finances of so-called right-wing extremists,’ a catch-all phrase for ‘people who don’t agree with us’ who would be surveilled by bureaucrats that would undoubtedly abuse their new tools (see: Justin Trudeau).

    U.S. To Investigate Israeli War Crimes

    Israel Unleashes Airstrikes on Lebanon

    Israel said on Wednesday that it has begun a “series of strikes” in Lebanon as a retaliatory response. An Israeli citizen was killed by a rocket that was fired from Lebanon, which is what provoked the Jewish nation.