His Vision of a New World Order

He is pulling the strings and nations are dancing to his tune.

His contributions to democracy and human rights are nothing more than strategic moves to weaken his enemies from within, eroding their ability to resist his influence.

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A Strategic Ploy to Weaken and Destabilize

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    Breaking News

    Bird Flu Outbreak: Almost 700 Swans Found Dead At Nature Reserve

    Bird Flu Outbreak: Almost 700 Swans Found Dead At Nature Reserve

    Almost 700 swans have been found dead at a nature reserve in Khazakstan, and the authorities are saying bird flu is to blame. “Between 21 December and 8 January, a total of 675 swan carcasses were discovered on Lake Karakol,” the Kazakh ecology ministry told Associated Free Press, according to a report by CBS News.

    Will The Assassination Of A Hezbollah Leader Take Us Into The Next Chapter Of World War 3?

    Will The Assassination Of A Hezbollah Leader Take Us Into The Next Chapter Of World War 3?

    How is this cycle of escalation going to end?  Each day, either Hezbollah or Israel is escalating matters to a dangerous new level.  A war between the two parties has already begun, and at this point, I don’t see any way to avoid a full-blown regional war that will result in tremendous death and destruction.  Many had been hoping that cooler heads would prevail in 2024, but instead this new year has started with a series of very alarming escalations…

    7 WARS are happening right now, and America is behind them all

    7 WARS are happening right now, and America is behind them all

    Remember the “War on Terrorism?” Whatever happened to that? Supposedly, a couple dozen years back, a bunch of illegal immigrants flew some planes into some tall buildings in New York City, except both buildings, constructed with 200,000 tons of steel, were reduced to rubble, demolition style, not to mention a third building half a mile away, that never even got “hit.” Any intelligent person would have to question the “official” narrative and highly suspect the whole thing was staged as an “inside job” by the ever-powerful military-industrial complex.

    Hezbollah Threatens Israel After Assassination of Top Commander

    Hezbollah Threatens Israel After Assassination of Top Commander

    On Monday, Wissam Tawil, a high-ranking member of Hezbollah’s elite Radwan force in southern Lebanon, was killed in an Israeli drone strike on his car. Tawil was the most senior member of the Shiite militant group to be killed in an Israeli strike since Hezbollah and Israel began trading fire across the Lebanese-Israeli border on October 8th, the day after Hamas carried out the deadliest terror attack in Israel’s history.

    The Epstein Associate Nobody’s Talking About: The IDF-Linked Bond Girl Infiltrating the UK NHS

    The Epstein Associate Nobody’s Talking About: The IDF-Linked Bond Girl Infiltrating the UK NHS

    The following article has been heavily censored since it was written back in 2019 by author and investigative journalist Johnny Vedmore who claims that Nicole Junkermann herself has been using various continental European courts to have the content pulled down and censored. It was originally published on Vocal. Media, as the first part of a trilogy investigating Nicole Junkermann and examining her links with Jeffrey Epstein, Israeli intelligence, and the UK NHS Healthtech Advisory Board led by UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock MP.

    Did The Vaccine Eradicate Smallpox?

    Did The Vaccine Eradicate Smallpox?

    The widespread faith in vaccines is often traced back to the assumption that the first vaccine in human history effectively eradicated one of the deadliest pandemics. However, does this belief hold true?

    U.S.’s Military Move Could Trigger WW3

    U.S.’s Military Move Could Trigger WW3

    The United States is making a major military move that could result in World War 3 breaking out. As Iran continues to aid terrorists worldwide, the regime is becoming increasingly “nervous” that the conflict will broader into a global conflagration.

    AARP: Get An 8th COVID Shot

    AARP: Get An 8th COVID Shot

    The lobbying group AARP (American Association for Retired People) just told its 38 million followers that they should get an 8th COVID-19 “vaccine.” There seems to be no limit to how much mRNA technology the rulers are willing to try to get people to take.

    Netanyahu Threatens Hezbollah After Attack Last Week

    In the aftermath of an attack on an Isreal air base by Lebanon-based militants of the terrorist group, Hezbollah, Benjamin Netanyahu has threatened that “no terrorist is immune.” He further warned Hezbollah that they should take a look at what has happened to Hamas militants in Gaza before escalating its conflict with Israel,

    What Is Going To Happen To Our Society As AI And Robots Take Most Of Our Jobs?

    What Is Going To Happen To Our Society As AI And Robots Take Most Of Our Jobs?

    If you haven’t lost your job yet, you should be very thankful.  Artificial intelligence and robots are taking more of our jobs with each passing day, and there will be no end to this high-tech invasion.  Eventually, we could get to a point where AI and robots can do virtually everything far more efficiently and far more inexpensively than humans can.

    Hezbollah Threatens Israel After Assassination of Top Commander

    For The Middle East, There Is No Turning Back Now…

    There is no way to avoid an apocalyptic war in the Middle East now.  Too much has been said and done, and both sides have pushed things past the point of no return.  It won’t be too long before thousands of missiles are flying back and forth, and that is going to have enormous implications for all of us.  This war is going to look far different from anything we have ever seen in the Middle East before, and the level of death and destruction that we will witness will shock the entire globe.