His Vision of a New World Order

He is pulling the strings and nations are dancing to his tune.

His contributions to democracy and human rights are nothing more than strategic moves to weaken his enemies from within, eroding their ability to resist his influence.

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A Strategic Ploy to Weaken and Destabilize

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    Breaking News

    “We Have Reached A Breaking Point”

    “We Have Reached A Breaking Point”

    If you don’t have a border, you don’t have a country.  It certainly wouldn’t be a surprise to hear me say that our immigration crisis has brought us to “a breaking point”, but those aren’t my words.  As you will see below, the mayor of New York City is actually saying this.  During the Biden administration, the floodgates have opened and vast hordes of illegal immigrants are pouring into this country every single day.  New York City, Chicago and other major urban areas simply do not have enough resources to take care of the illegal immigrants that have already arrived, but more just keep on coming.

    U.S. and China March Closer To War

    U.S. and China March Closer To War

    The Chinese ruling class has made a “regional alert” as the United States steps up military deployment in the region. Both war-mongering ruling classes are advancing in ways that could very well lead to a large-scale hot war.

    They Are Blocking Airports And Storming Buildings; What They Will Do Soon Will Be Far Worse…

    They Are Blocking Airports And Storming Buildings; What They Will Do Soon Will Be Far Worse…

    Radical Islamic activists are increasingly causing major problems all over the United States.  They are blocking airports, storming government buildings, and causing all sorts of chaos in the streets.  Unfortunately, thanks to the Biden administration more Muslim extremists continue to pour into this country with each passing day.  They have learned how to game the system just like hordes of other illegal immigrants have.  We are literally committing national suicide, but as long as Joe Biden is in the White House our borders are going to continue to be wide open.

    This Year, Americans Have Become Hungrier, Lonelier And More Desperate

    This Year, Americans Have Become Hungrier, Lonelier And More Desperate

    The ominous trends that we see all around us are taking us somewhere.  Needless to say, 2023 was not a good year for our country.  Hunger and homelessness have been absolutely exploding, the suicide rate just continues to go even higher, and there is chaos in the streets on an almost nightly basis.  It is in this environment that the election of 2024 will happen.  I expect election season to add an additional level of strain to our society, and I don’t think that our society will be able to handle it.  We are headed for a nightmare, and at this point, everyone should be able to see that.

    How Capitalism Made Christmas a Holiday for Children

    How Capitalism Made Christmas a Holiday for Children

    During the 1980s, millions of American children pored over the Toys ‘R’ Us catalog, daydreaming about what toys we hoped to receive in a few weeks on Christmas morning. After all, by the mid-twentieth century, Christmas—for countless middle-class households with children— had become more or less synonymous with an enormous number of gifts for children in the form of toys and games. Barbie playsets and a myriad of action figures were routinely advertised during Saturday morning cartoons and in Sunday print ads in the weeks before Christmas. We kids of the 80s were sure to tell our parents what toys we “needed.”

    This Year, Americans Have Become Hungrier, Lonelier And More Desperate

    Has A “Silent Depression” Already Started In The United States?

    The Biden administration and the corporate media are telling us over and over that the economy is just fine, but the term “silent depression” has been going viral on TikTok.  Housing, vehicles, food and just about everything else that we spend money on is far more unaffordable today than it was during the Great Depression of the 1930s.  A realtor in Florida named Freddie Smith posted a video on TikTok with some absolutely startling numbers about the cost of living in the United States today, and that is what started the “silent depression” trend…

    Bill Gates Funds Needle-Free mRNA “Vaccine”

    Bill Gates Funds Needle-Free mRNA “Vaccine”

    As public support for injections of mRNA technology wanes, the sociopaths need to find new and inventive ways to make sure the human livestock are altered to their liking. Bill Gates has funded research that would enable the delivery of mRNA “vaccine” technology via a needle-less wafer. 

    It Looks Like “The Gates Of Hell” Have Opened In Iceland

    It Looks Like “The Gates Of Hell” Have Opened In Iceland

    Those who insist that what is happening to our planet is perfectly “normal” suffered another blow on Tuesday when we witnessed an absolutely massive volcanic eruption in Iceland.  Since it sits directly along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Iceland experiences quite a bit of seismic activity, but one prominent volcanologist named Porvaldur Póroarson is warning that the eruption that just took place is “a different creature” from anything we have ever seen before.  The eruption on the Reykjanes peninsula sent fountains of lava shooting up to 330 feet into the air, and residents of Reykjavik are being warned that toxic gas is heading their way…

    America’s Debt Crisis: People Are Maxed Out

    America’s Debt Crisis: People Are Maxed Out

    Americans are largely maxed out when it comes to the amount of debt they have accumulated. Americans had surpassed a combined total of over $1 trillion in credit card debt back in August. Three months later, the balance had already gone up an additional $48 billion.