His Vision of a New World Order

He is pulling the strings and nations are dancing to his tune.

His contributions to democracy and human rights are nothing more than strategic moves to weaken his enemies from within, eroding their ability to resist his influence.

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A Strategic Ploy to Weaken and Destabilize

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    Breaking News

    With COVID Allegedly On The Rise, There’s Another Push To Be “Vaccinated”

    With COVID Allegedly On The Rise, There’s Another Push To Be “Vaccinated”

    The mainstream media has been claiming that COVID-19 infections are on the rise, and the way for the slave class to protect themselves is to just submit to the “safe and effective” “vaccine” that AstraZeneca has already recalled. The fear-mongering is going to all new levels once again in an effort to convince people to get the mRNA injections.

    Thanks To The Cost Of Living Crisis, U.S. Household Debt Has Soared To The Highest Level Ever Recorded

    Thanks To The Cost Of Living Crisis, U.S. Household Debt Has Soared To The Highest Level Ever Recorded

    Our entire economy is fueled by debt.  In fact, if going into more debt was suddenly banned the U.S. economy would instantly hit a brick wall.  For the vast majority of us, our lifestyles simply cannot be funded by what we actually make.  So we use debt to bridge the difference, and this has particularly been true during the cost of living crisis.  Total household debt has now reached a grand total of 17.8 trillion dollars, and we continue to pile up more with no end in sight…

    UK Man Arrested For Online Anti-Ruling Class Rhetoric

    UK Man Arrested For Online Anti-Ruling Class Rhetoric

    In most places, criticizing the masters, or ruling class has become prohibited. They don’t seem to like it when the slaves figure out their enslavement, and the United Kingdom has just proven how fragile the lie has become. The masters have arrested a slave for his “anti-establishment rhetoric” which he posted online.

    Bird Flu Is Infecting Domestic Cats

    Bird Flu Is Infecting Domestic Cats

    The media is once again saying that domestic cats are being infected by the bird flu. This could end up being an avenue for the H5N1 virus that’s circulating in dairy cattle to make its way to more human beings.

    With COVID Allegedly On The Rise, There’s Another Push To Be “Vaccinated”

    Doctors Killed in Brazilian Plane Crash Promised to Release Evidence Tying mRNA “Vaccines” to TURBO CANCER

    The other day, we reported that eight of the 62 (not 68 as was originally reported) people who died in the recent ATR 72 turboprop plane crash in Sao Paulo, Brazil, were doctors headed to an important oncology conference. It has since come out that six of these eight were also scientists who planned to expose mRNA (modRNA) “vaccines” as a cause of turbo cancer.

    CDC Says COVID Is Now “Endemic”

    CDC Says COVID Is Now “Endemic”

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that COVID-19 is now “endemic.” Others claim it is not because it’s still relatively unpredictable. So is this anything different from a common cold, other than the lengths the ruling class went to to control the masses?

    They Are Preparing For Absolutely Massive Anti-Israel Protests At The Democratic National Convention

    They Are Preparing For Absolutely Massive Anti-Israel Protests At The Democratic National Convention

    Do you remember what happened when the Democrats held their convention in Chicago in 1968?  The Democrats are really hoping to avoid a repeat of what we witnessed 56 years ago, and Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson insists that law enforcement authorities in his city are ready.  We shall see.  Tens of thousands of protesters from 264 different radical protest groups have descended upon Chicago, and the war in the Middle East is what they are upset about more than anything else.  They are determined to get as much attention as possible because so far the Biden administration has not been responsive to their demands.

    Red Alert! Virtually All Of Our Personal Information, Including Social Security Numbers, Has Been Stolen And Posted Online By Hackers

    Red Alert! Virtually All Of Our Personal Information, Including Social Security Numbers, Has Been Stolen And Posted Online By Hackers

    Most Americans don’t even realize that virtually all of their personal information has been stolen and posted online for free.  The personal records of 2.9 billion people were stolen from a major data broker known as National Public Data earlier this year, and this month almost all of the information that was stolen was posted online for anyone to freely take.