Peter Schiff: In the End Only the Government Will Write Loans – Kudlow & Co. February 18, 2009

by | Feb 19, 2009 | Peter Schiff, Precious Metals

Do you LOVE America?


    Peter Schiff on Kudlow and Company talks stocks, the dollar, bonds and gold.

    Some Schiff Highlights from the interview follow.

    On home mortgages:

    In the end, the only one that’s going to be willing to write a mortgage is going to be the US government because no one is going to want to lend anybody money to buy homes because it’s going to be too risky.

    On the politics of the economy:

    The politics is what’s killing the economy. You hit the nail on the head when you were saying the cure is worse than the disease. The worst part about it is the government infected us with this disease and now they’re killing us with the cure.

    Schiff on his favorite investment (he had 7 seconds to tell us):

    Gold, Silver.

    Peter Schiff Interview Part 1 of 2:

    Peter Schiff Interview Part 2 of 2:


    It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point

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