North Korea To Build Up Missile Arsenal Amongst “U.S. Nuclear Threat”

by | Oct 23, 2024 | Coincidence, Conspiracy Fact and Theory, Headline News, War | 0 comments

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    North Korea’s ruler has stated that Pyongyang will build up its missile arsenal amongst the ever-increasing United States “nuclear threat.” Kim Jong-un, North Korea’s ruler has said that the tensions between North and South Korea, which have technically remained at war since 1953, have further escalated in recent months.

    “The US strategic nuclear means pose an ever-increasing threat to the security environment of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and… warrant the bolstering of [its] deterrent,” Kim stated, as quoted by the KCNA, as reported by RT. The North Korean leader insisted that Pyongyang’s missile forces should be able to “deal a strategic counterblow to the enemy at any time.”

    North Korean Troops Could Join Russia’s War Action Against Ukraine

    Earlier in October, Pyongyang accused Seoul of deploying drones over its territory to drop propaganda leaflets. The South, which is one of the key U.S. allies in the region, has repeatedly accused its northern neighbor of sending trash-filled hot air balloons across the border, according to a report by RT. 

    Earlier this year, Kim proposed abandoning his country’s longstanding commitment to reunification, labeling the South a “principal enemy.”

    On Saturday, the KCNA reported that authorities had found fragments of what they described as a South Korean military drone on DPRK soil. The article warned that further violations of North Korean airspace would be “regarded as a grave military provocation… and a declaration of war and an immediate retaliatory attack will be launched.” –RT.

    Putin Warns That Russia Could Arm North Korea

    The Pentagon has also claimed that there are North Korean troops in Russia. Pyongyang has previously rejected the accusation, while the Kremlin called reports on the matter “contradictory”

    North Korea’s alliance with Russia has been popping up in the news lately. Could this be another distraction, a mere coincidence, or is it a precursor to a global war? At this point, it’s still difficult to say, however, it is interesting, to say the least.


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