Bird Flu Is Spreading Quickly In California

by | Sep 24, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments

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    The number of infected cattle herds infected with H5N1 bird flu in California has doubled over the weekend. This strain of bird flu appears to be spreading through dairy farms in California, the country’s largest milk producer.

    Over the weekend, the total number of confirmed infected cow herds stunningly doubled, going from 17 last Thursday to 34 Monday morning, according to state and federal officials.

    When the state’s first infected herds were announced, California Department of Food and Agriculture Secretary Karen Ross touted the state’s preparations and readiness, and ability to massively control the slave class through fear. “Our extensive experience with [highly pathogenic avian influenza] in poultry has given us ample preparation and expertise to address this incident,” Ross said. She further assured dairy farmers that they are approaching the outbreak with the “utmost urgency.”

    U.S. Enters Mass Testing Phase For Bird Flu In Dairy Cattle

    The news comes as public health experts are concerned about a puzzling case of H5 bird flu in a person in Missouri, who had underlying medical conditions but no known exposure to animals. The case is the 14th human infection amid the dairy cow outbreak this year. All of the 13 prior infections were in farmworkers known to be exposed to infected animals: nine in poultry workers and four in dairy workers. But Missouri has not reported H5N1 in dairy herds and hasn’t had recent outbreaks in poultry facilities, either. -ARS Technica

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claimed that a Missouri case of avian influenza has recovered, but health officials remain “stumped” as to how that person became infected in the first place. In a press briefing earlier this month, an official suggested the case could be a “one-off,” however, the CDC has reported that another person in the household has gotten sick with the bird flu at the same time, suggesting a possible common exposure to the virus. That household contact was not tested for flu and has also since recovered.

    They Are Doing This: Bird Flu Is Spreading Human To Human

    The CDC is now conducting serological testing to see if the household member has developed antibodies against the bird flu, indicating a previous infection. On Friday, the CDC also reported that a second healthcare worker became ill with a mild respiratory illness after interacting with the Missouri case but was not tested for flu and recovered before the investigation began. The CDC will offer serological testing for that healthcare worker, too.

    The ruling health bodies are still saying that there is not much evidence that this is passing from human to human yet, however, they have “vaccines” stockpiled and ready to go for when it does. What could possibly go wrong?

    SCRIPTED: New Human Vaccines Are Already Developed & Stockpiled For Pandemic Flu That Doesn’t Exist Yet


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