Canada Reports An Outbreak of H5N5 Bird Flu In Backyard Flock

by | Feb 18, 2025 | Coincidence, Conspiracy Fact and Theory, Headline News, Health | 0 comments

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    Another type of avian influenza has been reported in a backyard flock in Canada. Highly pathogenic H5N5 avian influenza was found on a non-commercial backyard layer poultry farm in the eastern part of the country, the World Organization for Animal Health said on Tuesday.

    According to a report by Reuters, the spread of avian influenza, commonly called bird flu, has ravaged flocks around the world, disrupting supply and fuelling higher food prices. Its spread to mammals, including dairy cows in the United States, has raised concerns among governments about the risk of human transmission.

    The Paris-based WOAH, citing Canadian authorities, said in a report that analysis of the H5N5 virus detected in Canada’s Newfoundland and Labrador province showed that it was similar to the H5N5 virus that had hit Canada in 2023. The analyses further revealed that this strain was related to the H5N1 ( lineage that has affected a few farms in Canada and has been spreading in other parts of the world, mainly in the United States and Europe.

    This news comes after Wyoming reported its first human avian influenza case, which led to a hospitalization. The woman was said to have been infected after contact with a backyard flock of birds.

    Woman Hospitalized In Wyoming With Bird Flu

    Backyard flocks have been the focus of the bird flu outbreak for a few days now, and that could mean this scamdemic is going to be taken to an all-new level.

    This could be evidenced by the U.S. giving Big Pharma company Zoetis a contract to create a bird flu “vaccine” for wild and domestic birds.

    Bird Flu Vaccine Incoming

    This could still be the prelude to a complete food supply reset and a tyrannical, forced move away from meat and egg products toward fake meats and vegan diets.

    Fake Meat Is All About Controlling The Food Supply




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