A new report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that house cats could contract the H5N1 bird flu virus from contact with their owners. The report states that dairy workers could be infecting their own domestic cats.
The CDC claims that the dairy workers in question refused bird flu diagnostic testing, so this theory couldn’t be confirmed. However, both showed “suggestions” for bird flu infection.
According to the CDC, both dairy workers ended communication with health officials before the investigation was over, with one citing fear of losing employment for implicating dairy farms.
Two adolescents living in one of the worker’s homes also became sick. Both tested negative for the virus.
A 5-year-old indoor cat belonging to one of the dairy workers was brought to a local veterinary clinic after showing decreased appetite, disinterest in grooming, disorientation, and tiredness. After not improving over two more days, the cat was referred to the Michigan State University Veterinary Medical Center., where the animal was euthanized after “rapid disease progression.”
The CDC ADMITS: PCR Tests CANNOT Differentiate Between Coronaviruses!
Previously, it was thought that contact with wild birds was the source of bird flu infections in cats.
Bird Flu: They Are Re-Running The COVID Script
The CDC claims that when cats die unexpectedly, there may be the H5N1 bird flu virus in the house. The study, parts of which were accidentally released this month, details a public health investigation in Michigan from May 2024 involving dairy workers with bird flu symptoms and their pet cats, according to a report by The Los Angeles Times.
Jennifer Nuzzo, director of the Pandemic Center at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, said the CDC’s paper raises more questions than it answers. “We’ve known that cats can become ill with H5N1,” she said. “This paper raises but does not answer, the question of whether farmworkers may spread H5N1 to their cats. We need to know more about how this may have occurred, as it could inform our understanding of whether people can spread the virus to other animals, including other humans.”
The ruling class is now suggesting the euthanization of cats to stop the spread of bird flu. Even during the height of the COVID-19 scamdemic, nothing was culled.
Is killing animals an overreaction? Should they be allowed to die or infect others to build immunity? What do you think? Sound off in the comments!
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This story can be filed under the subject of “Yet another sign Communists are taking over America.” The Communists under Mao also had a weird fetish for destroying pets, including cats and dogs, under the alleged fear that these animals were disease carrying threats to humans. I asked ChatGPT about this subject and it answered that the Communists also believed house pets were symbols of the bourgeois (i.e. middle class) lifestyle and were “counter-revolutionary” and therefore sought to eliminate them on those grounds. Bottom line: they are coming after our pets in the name of “public safety.”