Danish Poll Revealed Only 6% Of Greenlanders Want To Join The U.S. Empire

by | Jan 29, 2025 | Headline News, War | 0 comments

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    A newly released Danish poll has revealed that only six percent of Greenlanders would like to join the United States. This is in stark contrast to current president Donald Trump’s statements that there is a desire to be Americans in Greenland.

    Forty-five percent of survey respondents also reportedly claimed that they see President Donald Trump’s interest in the island as a threat. That is not surprising, considering Trump himself wouldn’t rule out taking Greenland by military force if necessary.

    Trump Will Not “Rule Out” Military Action To Take Greenland By Force

    Greenland’s Prime Minister also responded to Trump’s comments on taking Greenland, saying that those residing on the Arctic Island do not want to be Danes or Americans. They want to be Greenlanders.

    Greenland Has Responded To Trump’s Acquisition Proposal

    In an interview with FOX News on Thursday, Mute Egede addressed Trump’s renewed interest in acquiring” Greenland from Denmark, citing national security concerns.  “We are close neighbors; we have been cooperating in the last 80 years, and I think in the future we have a lot to offer to cooperate with,” Egede said, insisting that Greenland would always be a part of NATO and “a strong partner of the U.S.”

    “But we want to… be clear. We don’t want to be Americans. We don’t want to be a part of the US,” the prime minister emphasized. He said islanders “do not want to be Danes” either. “We want to be Greenlanders,” he added. –SHTFPlan

    While only 500 people were surveyed, only 6% said they favored joining the U.S., another 9% were undecided, and 85% flat out rejected the idea.

    The outlet contrasted the results with an earlier survey suggesting that 57% of Greenlanders supported the acquisition of their homeland by the U.S., according to a report by RT. The majority approval was reported by US-based company Patriot Polling earlier this month, based on its first-ever survey outside of the US. The firm did not disclose its sample size or methodology specific to Greenland.

    Panama recently complained to the United Nations about Trump’s threat to seize control of the canal through force, citing the unfair treatment of U.S. vessels by Panama.

    Panama Involves The UN Over Trump’s Threat To Seize Control Of the Canal



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