Israel’s Planned Escalation Of The Gaza War

by | Mar 24, 2025 | Headline News, War | 0 comments

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    Israel’s defense minister threatened to take the Gaza Strip from Hamas piece by piece on Friday. Media reports have claimed that this is not simply “saber-rattling” but an actual escalation toward a total takeover of Gaza.

    Taking over Gaza and “eliminating Hamas” has been a goal of Israel since the onslaught of the war.

    Israel Doubles Down On Its Goal To Eliminate Hamas

    According to The Washington Free Beacon, Israel Katz described a war plan that already appeared to be underway.  Amid airstrikes across Gaza starting early Tuesday, Israeli ground forces on Wednesday retook much of the Netzarim Corridor in central Gaza and on Thursday entered the cities of Beit Lahiya in the north of the strip and Khan Younis and Rafah in the south, according to military officials.

    “If the Hamas terror organization continues to refuse to release the hostages, I have instructed the Israel Defense Forces to capture additional areas, evacuate the population, and expand the security zone around Gaza … through permanent control of the area by Israel,” Katz said in a statement. “The longer Hamas continues its refusal, the more and more land it will lose that will be added to Israel.”

    Trump Threatens To Destroy Hamas If It Refuses To Hand Over Hostages

    Amir Avivi, a former Israeli brigadier general who has advised Israel’s government and its military during the ongoing war, said that the “plan is built in stages where Israel is trying to pressure Hamas to release the hostages.”

    “We might see two scenarios,” Avivi told the Free Beacon. “Either at a certain stage, Hamas is willing to release the hostages, and we’ll see another ceasefire, or Hamas is not willing to negotiate and release the hostages, and this attack will escalate into a full-scale assault on Gaza, which will only end with Israel reaching the goals of the war.”

    Israel Resumes Airstrikes In Gaza Following Ceasefire Expiration

    The United States has also threatened to take over Gaza with the support of Israel.

    As Trump Did With Greenland And Panama, He Doubles Down On Seizing Gaza


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