Russian Scientists: Microplastics Don’t Harm Humans

by | Feb 16, 2025 | Coincidence, Conspiracy Fact and Theory, Headline News, Health | 2 comments

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    Russian scientist Alexei Khokhlov has said that the sensational media reports about microplastics and their impact on the human body and the environment are greatly exaggerated. Khoklov, who is the head of the Department of Polymer and Crystal Physics at Moscow State University and a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said there is no basis for the claim that microplastics are harmful.

    Khokhlov said: “Microplastics are defined as fragments of polymer materials smaller than 5 mm. These particles can break down into even smaller micron-sized pieces, and there are also polymer nanoparticles.  We live in an era dominated by new materials. Just 100 years ago, the polymer industry was virtually nonexistent. The widespread use of plastics began in the 1950s, and today, approximately 400 million tons of various plastics are produced annually worldwide.”

    “The molecular structure of polymers consists of long chains of monomer units. Interestingly, we are made up of polymers ourselves since proteins, DNA, and RNA chains are molecules of such type. As for their presence in the environment, particles from all natural and man-made materials find their way into the environment,” he added. “All nanoparticles can enter the human bloodstream, not just microplastics. For instance, walls gradually disintegrate into dust and sand, which also make their way into the human body. There is no evidence that microplastic particles are particularly harmful.”

    Read Khokhlov’s entire interview here on RT. 

    According to generally accepted science, microplastics are toxic to human beings, animals, and aspects of the environment. Science Direct reported that microplastics may pose acute and (sub) chronic toxicity, carcinogenicity, and developmental toxicity. Similarly, nanoplastics may pose chronic toxicity, genotoxicity, and developmental toxicity.

    Linoleic Acid: A key Contributing Factor In Rising Cancer Rates

    Several things in our natural world could be contributing to the rising cancer rates. This isn’t to say microplastics are or are not harmful. However, they are a relatively new introduction to the human and environmental system.



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      1. You do fine work promoting prepping, because it true our government wants us begging at their table for food, shelter, and warmth. They want us to accept digital currency. etc. BUT: It should no longer be possible to believe in “consensus science” after the last ten years; global warming is a hoax, covid 19 vaccines kill people and the lockdown hoax was all about control of the public. I believe NOTHING so called experts warn us about any longer; just accepting some “experts” telling us something… NO. Where are the actual studies PROVING that microplastics are harmful? Proof. Not hand-waving.

        • OFW, those reports won’t matter anyway. Maybe to you and to me but to the media and the grift-o-crats, nothing.

          Remember the lockdowns and the masks? Remember all the reports and studies on the masks? Out the window. Nobody cared. “Wear your F’ing mask!” They said follow the science so I printed the science. Everytime someone would try to force me to wear a mask, SHAZAM! I’ll pull out the studies. They’d refuse them.

          The fact is most people don’t care about facts. They’re too stupid to read and way too stupid to think. But, the controllers have a problem. You and I will be loudmouth assholes this next time around. Nobody on this planet will make me wear a mask (I did some) or get a shot (I didn’t allow that). If they try to force me, I will consider it assault and I am perpetually armed.

          Hopefully it will die on the vine. But, I’m ready. Good luck to you!

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