Slippery Slope: Ruling Class Uses AI To Find Department of Education Failures

by | Feb 12, 2025 | Coincidence, Conspiracy Fact and Theory, Headline News | 0 comments

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    The United States is trudging into worrisome territory. Elon Musk, who leads the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), is using artificial intelligence (AI) to find inefficiencies and reduce spending. This is a slippery slope for the DOE, which could eventually be overseen and run entirely by AI.

    Of course, it’ll be sold to the slave class as a way to save money and make it more efficient by eliminating human beings. The DOE should be completely eliminated. However, no ruling class is going to end the propaganda machine that keeps slaves buying into the system.

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    Musk’s decision highlights the growing influence of artificial intelligence (AI) in reshaping government operations. It’s bad enough that we are ruled by other human beings. What will our dystopia world look like once we are ruled by technology?

    Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) has begun feeding sensitive data from the U.S. Department of Education into AI systems. The goal is to identify inefficiencies, slash spending, and ultimately dismantle what many conservatives view as a bloated and ineffective federal agency. While the project claims it’s being done to weaken the DOE by eliminating non-essential programs and contracts, potentially leading to its dismantling, it’s relatively easy to see that that isn’t the whole truth.

    Once the DOE is dismantled, the ruling class will just use the same AI system used to dismantle it to build something else entirely run by machines. We have officially stepped off the edge onto “slipper slope” territory.

    The news comes not long after Google announced that it will no longer ban the use of AI to create weapons and mass surveillance tools designed to enslave and kill the human race.

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    The DOGE team’s mission aligns with President Trump’s long-standing pledge to eliminate the Education Department entirely. While Congress would need to approve such a move, the administration is taking steps to weaken the agency from within. By leveraging AI to identify non-essential programs and contracts, DOGE aims to render the department incapable of fulfilling its functions. –Natural News

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    But should any member of the ruling class be trusted? Let us know how you feel about the use of AI in ruling class systems. Is this a slippery slope to something worse, a dystopian technocratic nightmare? Sound off in the comments!




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