The “Forever War” Against Bird Flu

by | Mar 21, 2025 | Coincidence, Conspiracy Fact and Theory, Headline News, Health | 1 comment

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    Even though the bird flu has not become an actual human pandemic, the mainstream media is hyping up a “forever war” against the virus. The H5N1 avian influenza is spreading widely in both domestic and wild animals, although the exact transmission routes remain unclear.

    More than two years into the United States outbreak, we’re stuck with H5N1 forever, according to a report by The Verge.  The risk that it mutates to spread readily from person to person and that we could find ourselves in the middle of another pandemic is entrenched. Other concerns include the rising number of confirmed human cases, particularly among farmworkers.

    Avian influenza is “evolving in ways we haven’t seen before,” says Martha Nelson, a computational biologist and staff scientist researching pathogen evolution at the National Institutes of Health — one of many scientists monitoring the global H5N1 outbreak. Bird flu “is adapting to mammals, and it continues to show new tricks,” Nelson tells The Verge. 

    However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that human flu could offer immunity to bird flu. It might be a ploy to increase flu vaccine uptake, but that is pure speculation.

    Human Flu Could Offer Immunity To Bird Flu

    The CDC continues to claim that the risk to the human population is “low,” but the likelihood of a pandemic is growing.

    The vast majority of the 70 confirmed human cases in the US have been mild. But since last November, at least four people have been hospitalized with H5N1 in North America (three in the US and one in Canada). In January, one person died in Louisiana after contracting the virus from a backyard poultry flock. –The Verge

    The more human cases that are reported, the higher the chances of a mutation occurring that will make the virus transmissible among humans. A potentially more dangerous version of the virus, called the D1.1 genotype, is now circulating among wild birds and poultry, and it has spilled over into dairy cows at least twice in 2025. If this mutates to infect humans, there could be a pandemic.

    Research Funded By Fauci And Gates Could See Bird Flu Become The Next Deadly Pandemic


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