Trump And Putin To Discuss Ending War In Scheduled Phone Call

by | Mar 18, 2025 | Headline News, War | 1 comment

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    United States President Donald Trump has said that he is looking forward to his next conversation with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin. During the scheduled phone call, the two rulers are going to discuss the settlement of the Ukraine conflict.

    “I look very much forward to the call with President Putin,” Trump stated, while Putin said that any settlement must address “the original causes of the crisis.” He also expressed concern that Ukraine could use the pause in the fighting to replenish its forces.

    According to a report by RT, Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One on Sunday that he plans to speak with Putin on Tuesday for the second time since taking office. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed on Monday that the conversation between the two leaders would take place the next day.

    Trump has posted on his Truth Social platform that during his upcoming call with Putin, the two will focus on finding ways to end the Ukraine conflict.

    “Thousands of young soldiers, and others, are being killed… it must end NOW,” Trump insisted. Speaking about a possible peace deal between Washington and Moscow, the US president stressed that “many elements of a Final Agreement have been agreed to, but much remains.”

    Peskov has refused to reveal any details of the upcoming call, saying that “discussions between the two heads of state should not be preemptively disclosed.”

    Trump’s special envoy Steve Witkoff met with Putin in Moscow last week to propose a 30-day ceasefire, to which Kiev had agreed during talks with Washington in Saudi Arabia last week. –RT

    Putin and Russian diplomats have not been taking kindly to the suggestions from much of the West, however, the former Soviet Union does seem keen to at least listen to the U.S. and come to table of negotiations.

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