Thousands of terrorists and murderers have managed to settle in the United States and are walking freely among the citizens, according to President Donald Trump. Trump made these comments shortly after he signed a series of executive orders imposing an immediate crackdown on immigration into the U.S.
“We have terrorists in our country by the thousands; we have murderers in our country by the tens of thousands … we’re going to take care of it,” Trump claimed on Wednesday in his first interview after returning to the White House as the 47th president. He also accused “other countries” of “emptying jails” into the U.S., claiming that the crime rate in Venezuela has dropped by 78%. The closest statistic we could find stated the crime rate has actually only fallen 25.1%.
“They took their street gangs, and they moved them into the U.S., and you’re seeing that in Colorado and Los Angeles and other places,” the president said.
The current ruler also promised to reverse many of the immigration policies of his predecessor, Joe Biden. Some of Trump’s executive orders include a reinforcement of the country’s southern border and ending automatic birthright citizenship. The president also designated drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations and reclassified Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi rebels as a terrorist group, according to a report by RT.
In a survey done by the Washington-based Pew Research Center, the total number of illegal immigrants in the U.S. from nations other than Mexico saw a rapid increase from 5.8 million to 6.9 million between 2019 and 2022. El Salvador (750,000), India (725,000), Guatemala (675,000), and Honduras (525,000) were among the countries with the largest unauthorized immigrant populations in the US after Mexico.
Around four million Mexicans live illegally in the US, the latest survey by Pew Research Center suggests. It indicated, however, that the share of Mexican illegal immigrants had dropped to the lowest since the 1990s.
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