Trump Mulls Giving Up U.S. Command Of NATO

by | Mar 19, 2025 | Headline News | 1 comment

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    United States ruler President Donald Trump is reportedly considering giving up Washington’s exclusive role in leading NATO’s (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) military command. The U.S. has held the role since 1949.

    According to a report by NBC News, which cited defense officials, Trump is exploring the possibility of relinquishing control of the office of Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), which has been held by a U.S. four-star general since the bloc’s founding in 1949. Trump has been weighing the move as part of a broader effort to restructure U.S. military commands and reduce defense expenditures. The report states that his administration has been looking into cutting costs within the Department of Defense.

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    Following his inauguration in January, he urged European bloc members to increase their defense spending and warned that the US would not be responsible for defending NATO countries that do not meet their financial obligations.

    Trump has also claimed that NATO’s expansion and its outreach to Ukraine under former US President Joe Biden were among the factors that led to the current conflict. –RT

    The SACEUR is tasked with overseeing NATO military operations in Europe. The position is currently held by Gen. Christopher G. Cavoli, who has also been in charge of NATO’s coordination of military assistance to Kiev throughout the Ukraine conflict. If the U.S. does give up ownership of the role, it would likely be filled by one of NATO’s European member states.

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    Trump has claimed that NATO’s expansion and its outreach to Ukraine under former US President Joe Biden were among the factors that led to the current conflict.

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    NATO has been heavily involved in the war between Ukraine and Russia, siding with Ukraine and offering assistance to its military through supplies, equipment, and funding.

    Would any restructuring of NATO lead to peace? What do yo think? Let us know in the comments.



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