Trump Ordered “Overwhelming Lethal Force” Against Houthis In Yemen

by | Mar 16, 2025 | Headline News | 2 comments

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    United States ruler Donald Trump has ordered a series of new airstrikes on Yemen’s capital, Sanaa. Trump warned he will continue using “overwhelming lethal force” until the Iranian-backed Houthi completely halt their attacks in the Red Sea.

    Days ago Yemen’s Houthis announced they are resuming attacks on Red Sea shipping over Israel’s failure to open humanitarian aid corridors into the Gaza Strip fully.

    Trump’s strikes on the terrorist organization are being called “preemptive,” as if attacking will somehow prevent, and not lead to a wider war.

    Attacks On Shipping Vessels In The Red Sea Have Returned

    “No terrorist force will stop American commercial and naval vessels from freely sailing the Waterways of the World,” Trump said in a post on Truth Social.

    He also took the opportunity to warn Iran about its future aggression, saying it will be held “fully accountable” for anything done by the Houthis, its proxy in Yemen.

    The Houthis, known officially as the Ansar Allah movement, said that 15 people have died so far, in an updated figure, as a result of Saturday’s wave of U.S. airstrikes.

    Ansar Allah’s leader last just Friday had declared a four-day deadline before attacks on shipping would resume. That four-day timeline had ended by close of Tuesday, which means the Red Sea could soon be the fiery scene of drone and missile attacks out of Yemen once again.

    Since 2023 over 100 missile and drone attacks on commercial vessels have occurred in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. The Houthis have also downed several MQ-9 Reaper drones operated by the Pentagon.

    A US-led naval coalition, which began under the Biden administration, has been able to do nothing in terms of putting a dent in Houthi capabilities, even after several bombing raids on Yemen, also at times including Israeli and UK jets. The pattern has been that the Houthis have only upped their attacks after US and Israeli coalition raids, according to a report by ZeroHedge. 



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