Ukraine’s Zelensky Wants Younger Soldiers While Russia And U.S. Seek Ceasefire

by | Mar 25, 2025 | Headline News, War | 0 comments

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    As the United States and Russia work to push a ceasefire, Ukraine is attempting to recruit younger soldiers for the war, and it seems content to keep it going. Kiev must lower its conscription age in order to recruit more for the conflict.

    In a regular news briefing on Monday, Volodymyr Zelensky announced that the military leadership had approved an expansion of recruitment targeting citizens aged 18 to 24. While mandatory conscription applies to men aged 24 and older, the government is encouraging younger individuals to volunteer by offering a range of incentives.

    “I visited the front on Saturday. There is a demand from specific brigades, and we will be responding positively to it. There will be more brigades employing young specialists,” Zelensky stated, according to a report by RT. “This initiative will extend to the National Guard and border guard units, as all effective defense forces should be given every opportunity to enhance their capabilities.”

    The Defense Ministry is promoting the conscription offer by showing how much recruits can buy with the money – equating it to 15,625 cheeseburgers or 185 years of Netflix subscriptions. Critics have condemned the ad campaign as demeaning to potential recruits.

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    Zelensky also claims that Russia may have influenced members of the current US administration “through information,” Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky has claimed in an interview with Time magazine, according to RT.

    “I believe Russia has managed to influence some people on the White House team through information,” Zelensky told the magazine. “Their signal to the Americans was that the Ukrainians do not want to end the war, and something should be done to force them.”

    Since the escalation of hostilities in 2022, Russia has repeatedly emphasized that it remains open to negotiating a peaceful resolution of the conflict and has accused Kiev of refusing to talk and attempting to prolong the fighting. –RT

    Zelensky’s sad and desperate attempt to keep this war going is only going to continue to widen the rift between its Western backers. The world seeks peace, and Zelensky is frothing at the mouth for more war.


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