A hospital in the central Russian city of Engels has sustained damage during the largest-ever Ukrainian drone raid on the area. The nearby regional capital, Saratov, was also targeted. These cities have sustained their worst attack yet, according to media reports.
NATO Countries Are Preparing For WAR As Ukraine Uses Long-Range Missiles To Strike Russia
Russia has already said that the use of attacks deep inside Russian territory could result in a war with NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) or the world at large.
Governor Roman Busargin posted images on his Telegram account on Thursday morning, showing the hospital with shattered windows. A woman was reported injured in the attack. Besides broken glass, an oxygen pipeline was ruptured. “For the time being, incoming emergency patients are being redirected to other facilities,” the governor stated. He emphasized that the incident “will not affect the quality of medical care provided at the hospital.”
Ukraine Claims First-Ever Fighter Jet Strike On Russian Territory
The latest Ukrainian assault comes amid negotiations for a partial ceasefire aimed at suspending long-range strikes on energy infrastructure by both sides. Advocated by US President Donald Trump, the measure seeks to facilitate peace talks and establish a comprehensive truce. -RT
So far, Russia has refrained from promised retaliation after Ukrainian strikes crossed red lines.
Russia Warns Of “Red Lines” Being Crossed…Again
The Russian Defense Ministry reported intercepting 54 Ukrainian drones overnight in the Saratov Region, as well as 40 over the Voronezh Region and 22 over the Belgorod Region. Smaller numbers were intercepted in various other regions, though overall, 132 drones were brought down by air defenses, Moscow has reported.
“Our opponents should not be mistaken. In case of any aggressive actions by NATO or its member states against our nation, adequate retaliatory measures will be taken in full compliance with Russia’s right for self-defense embodied in the UN Charter,” the diplomat said, adding that Moscow would use “any means to ensure its security.” –SHTFPlan
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