A United Nations agency has warned that an unprecedented threat from avian influenza, commonly known as bird flu, has emerged. The Food and Agriculture Organization claimed that as H5N1 has jumped to mammals, there will be “serious impacts” on food production, rural jobs, local economies, and consumer prices.
According to a report by Politico EU, H5N1 has also surfaced in wild and domestic mammals, including zoo animals, pets, and dairy cattle.
Canada’s Bird Flu Case Is A Different Strain Than Is Found In Dairy Cattle
The HPAI (Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza) virus was first identified in 1996 in China. Since then, it has been the ruling class’s reason for the mass culling of meat and egg-producing birds worldwide. Europe lost about 47.7 million farmed birds in the 2021-22 epidemic, and the United States has culled at least 166 million since the latest outbreak began.
The fallout has sent egg prices soaring in the U.S., but egg-based flu vaccines remain secure. You may not be able to afford to eat eggs, but you could get a free flu shot if you want.
Egg-Based Flu “Vaccines” Are “Secure”
FAO officials are urging governments to ramp up surveillance, strengthen biosecurity, and bolster outbreak response. “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link,” FAO Deputy Director-General Beth Bechdol said, emphasizing the need for coordinated global action to curb the virus’s spread and prevent further disruptions to food systems.
For now, public health officials insist the risk remains low, but the threat is still “unprecedented.” Scientists have also started to warn that the virus’s spread in mammals gives it more chances to evolve, increasing its potential to infect humans. So far, no human-to-human transmission of H5N1 has been reported. There has been one human death in the U.S.
First U.S. Human Bird Flu Death Reported
While culling is a barbaric and ineffective policy for preventing the bird flu from spreading, it is still widely used. Wild birds, which the ruling class is unable to mass cull, are also responsible for spreading the virus.
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