Pentagon: U.S. Will NOT Deploy Troops To Ukraine

by | Feb 12, 2025 | War | 0 comments

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    United States ruler President Donald Trump and his administration have no plans to send American troops to Ukraine. According to statements by Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth has said, Washington seeks to shift the burden of supporting Kiev onto its European allies.

    “At the Ukraine contact group and the NATO ministerial, we’re going to have straight talk with our friends,” Hegseth told reporters at a press conference in Germany. “It ought to be those in the neighborhood investing the most in that collective and individual defense,” he said, adding that Washington wants NATO states to spend more than 2% of GDP on defense. “We believe that needs to be higher. The president has said 5%.”

    Keith Kellogg, the U.S. presidential envoy tasked with ending the Ukraine conflict, is set to meet with European officials at the Munich Security Conference (MSC) on Friday to promote Trump’s plan, according to a report by RT. 

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    It is interesting that the U.S. thinks its job is to end the conflict in Ukraine. That should be the task of Russia and Kiev since those nations are warring. But historically, the U.S. butts its head into any conflict it can while stirring up more.

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    When the Pentagon chief was asked bluntly if the U.S. intended to send troops to Ukraine, he responded just as plainly, saying: “We are not sending US troops to Ukraine.”

    Since taking office, Trump has suspended foreign aid to Ukraine, taking on his “America first” policy. This has included threatening tariffs on allied nations, accusing them of unfair trade practices while also not ruling out military action to acquire entire islands like Greenland and take control of the Panama Canal.

    Trump has also vowed to bring a swift end to the Ukraine conflict. Last month, Trump threatened to impose tighter sanctions on Russia if Moscow refuses to accept a deal.

    Kellogg is expected to gauge the willingness of Washington’s EU and NATO allies to deploy their own “deterrent forces to ensure that any peace settlement holds,” Bloomberg reported on Monday.

    Is Trump war-mongering or making peace? The mixed messages continue. We’d like to know your thoughts! Share them with us in the comment section so we can have a discussion.


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